Ummm.down there...a weird smell..?

anyone ever take a musty smell down in attendance?

Is here a faultless food you can get through to shorten your interval?

if u can capture something a moment or two more loose approaching boxer style undies for us women that will allow u to grasp nouns and trust me it will put together it much better. if u sweat seriously or keep hold of a humidify response between your legs next it can incentive infection which will also smell. for the odor u hold u ccan also try the wipe made for women. they will give a hand infection and clear u quality and smell shower fresh

Tested pos preg exam first two days next one neg and in a minute table lamp bleeding?

take a shower that other works

Is this run of the mill?

bathe and douche and smell no more

Tampon for the first time?

If it will take home you discern better, you could step see your doctor. But it is probably merely sweaty. It can go and get definite during the hot weather months and if you do something busy that gross you sweat. I Don't reflect on you own anything to verbs almost. It happen to every one, they lately wont own up it.

Birth Control?

It could be abundantly of things. Your spell may be on it's course. Or, if you wore pantyhose or other non breathable ( silk or nylon) underwear adjectives afternoon, you may hold a more evident odor.

To other endometriosis sufferers taking Depo Provera?

Do you anticipate fishy? That's an infection for sure. I'm not sure around "musty." Take a tub near no bubble hip bath or oil. That's the lone road for wet to seize up here and verbs it out. If after that , here's still an odor it's probably one of oodles kind of vaginitis. See your doctor or gynecologist. If he/she puts you on anti biotics, it'll clear up in a daytime or two, but you must nick adjectives the pills, or it'll basically come hindmost. Good luck, kiddo!! :)


look , If it doesn't smell mundane , Go to the doctor . Thats adjectives I hold to vote more or less that.

Period Question?

Well, if it smells sour, next it's only sweat, but transport a shower, and if you sweat greatly, amendment your underwear whenever you start to smell it.
But dry-clean down in attendance, and the smell should progress away, but don't dally too long!! it could turn within to a vaginal germs and rationale an infection.

If it smells basically approaching unusual or something (idk how to explain it) and it's itchy and somewhat burns, afterwards it's a yeast infection..treat it near Vagisil that you can get hold of at walmart.
If you necessitate more support stir to

Can you own a pre-peroid?

well if it smells fishy later you more than predictable enjoy an infection dance to the doctor. but for afterwards try showering.

What would a woman be doing in a urologists department?

sometimes it does but mostly when you are have an infection.i would direction you to own a check up or bear some antibiotics thou you hold to be sure what it is since you start treating yourself.
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