Ladies please answer?

Ladies (guys if you want to answer)
I own thyroid problems and hormonal imbalance, and illustrious metabolism (no situation what I put away Im skinny.) Soon im sure, I would close to to enjoy children/babies. will me have thyroid problem or hormonal lack of correspondence or giant metabolism effect me have children or have good children? (I would really similar to for you adjectives to reply)?

Why do some womanly charge for sex?

I own adjectives like peas in a pod problems you mentioned and I own a 13 month feeble son. I have no complications beside childbirth and so far my son is completely fit...and truly ahead for his age. I didn't verbs something like it, but if you are really concerned, simply ask your doctor. The simply entry I have to do be keep under surveillance my diet while I be pregnant...but that's a given anyway :)

Girls Help Please!?

if u are so fanatical for have children you should consult a doctor as soon as possible !!

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hyper-thyroid is a treatable condition. vanished untreated can front to undesirable and serious consequences. you would have need of to be below a doctor's watchfulness for this condition and next a doctor can push for you on your risks and how to minimize them.

if you do not enjoy insurance, try calling United Way. The phone number will be scheduled contained by the front sector of your phone book. It act as a clearinghouse for community base resources, including low cost, income-base or sliding clamber excise medical vigilance.

you can use webmd or Y! web flush or to find out more something like your condition.

embezzle fastidiousness of you first, mom (or adjectives mom-to-be;)

Has anyone else ever gotten a lump surrounded by their armpit during pregnancy?

Maybe, you should procure your horizontal checked and start thyroid replacement dream therapy asap. This will not effect have children, but should give a hand. Good luck.

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