Birth control and spotting?

I hold be on orth tri cyclen for in the order of 7 years in a minute. I other bear it at alike time and I never miss one. For the closing 3-4 months, I will own some slight spotting at the shutting of the week since my length is due. This month, however, I hold started spotting on the second week of pills. It's thoroughly little, and have be going on 3 days very soon. It is merely in that when I wipe myself and is a buoyant pink. I own some mild cramping too. My husband and I do not use condoms but are not actively trying to obtain pregnant. What could this be?

What am i discussion just about? Is this my first time?

this happen to me... I go to the DR.. and he put me on some stronger pills.... you might want to capture checked out.... it could be something else......
best wishes to you......................

please HELP!?

Go to the doctor.

Please HELP?

well i took birth control pills and used a condom and i get pregnant. I'm not sayin your preggo but it is a possibility if your not using condoms. But you might hold merely gotten a extremely buoyant length. I enjoy a frien and when she get her time its solitary spotting, she one and only ever wear pantyliners. But of late to be secure stir to the doc and catch checked out.

Is at hand a mode to check for any cancer surrounded by the body using a blood assessment?

it's call breakthough bleeding. if you are on a low dose of hormone your body may bleed a bit bit. You can speech to your doctor almost getting a unsullied pill, but it sounds similar to you approaching the one you are on since you've be on it so long.

Sometimes a doctor will suggest taking a pregnancy check only to gross sure (if in attendance is any indiscriminate you are pregnant). Besides that within is zilch you can do but it is completely mundane.

Oh God What can it be I am exceptionally amazingly worried! PREGNANT?

I don't know the use, but I be once on like pills for years and started bleeding during the week back my time. My doctor of late said,"Sounds approaching it's time to try another brand", and I did, in need further problems.

Still sick but cynical pregnancy question paper?

I construe you should run a pregnancy tryout a short time ago to be on the past the worst side. If it comes pay for distrustful call your gyno's bureau and ask to speak to his or her nurse. Most of the time you will hold to sign out them a voice message to give the name you spinal column.

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