Please take time to read and answer my question?
Yes, you are probably getting your first interval. The pretext that the blood is brown is because it is frail blood and you own not really begin too flow. If, however, your interval does not come within a few days, converse to your mom or your doctor- it could be an infection.
could be,but I don't know how outmoded you are.
It could be extent, but it could also be other things. Possibly you strained a muscle in within doing an commotion, or something else. Talk to your mom or another womanly you be aware of close to or budge to your doctor to achieve checked.
I'm drastically nervousPlease help out?
I ruminate yo should step see an ObGyn. You should know for sure if this be your first spell. Contact one or more of your womanly friends and compare resume. If you enjoy no friends to whom you can natter more or less this, contact the university nurse. Don't fool around near it.On the bright side, by the time you achieve this answer, you might know for sure whether or not it be your first spell. Luckily, this is a self limiting ailment.
weird/personal put somebody through the mill in the order of pelvic exam?
this could be teh start bad your extent yes :)What hairstyle would look pious on me?
yea its possiblePossibly. Are you a teen?
It's be 16 days since my closing time, could I still get hold of pregnant?
Yes! I have a feeling soooo sorry for you!Yes this is the initiation of period.First few days they are reading light later get hold of redder next ease stale to brown again.Your body is slowly adjust to period and at first they might not be regular even so.Welcome to womanhood.
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