Last Sunday I be cleaning house and adjectives of a sudden I have this severe cramps within my abdomin and vagina nouns .?

It was so bad that I have to sit sown and then I got up and it hurt worse. It did not end super long but it was a horrible pain. Also my breasts are sore and I found some Jelly similar to discharge when I went to the bathroom and wiped. The discharge be a full week after the cramps. My period is due in going on for 4 days. Although the sore breasts have been going on for in the region of two weeks. The discharge was today. Is it possible this is pregnancy symptoms? I have be on birth control for 5 years but I do not take it at the same time respectively day. Some days when I forget I have to give somebody a lift two pills in one day. Please relief. No Joksters please.

Is it lately me?

first if you are not pregnant you may have what i have endermetrios witch is a sore approaching rash inside your female organs that come from your uterus when ovulating and it is so sore it will even make your back hurt .the merely way of getting rid of it is surgery or just living near it .and it could also be ovarian cystics sometimes they will bust and the pain feels resembling small child birth pains. i have all they feminine problems before i had to enjoy a hysterecomy and i still have some have need of to gohave a sonagram to see if you have cystic and the surgery will be the the only channel that you will no you have it {endermetyososis}.so please go see your doctor and draw from urself checkes swetty and i hope you find out whats wrong.

How long will sex hurt for?

Sometimes you can get HORRIBLE cramps before your length starts. I know this, because it has happened to me. Sore breasts I don`t know part of the period entity too. Discharge can also happen before you start you spell so dont worry.
If it does get a unbelievably worrying point go to a nurse or medical place.

What are foods or pills you can run to craft your boobs bigger?

I had a similar experience and have to go to the hospital to get an ultrasound. It turned out I have an ovarian cyst, which usually goes away on its own, but can be really painful. I also get severe cramps for a short period of time.

What's wrong...?

you might have be ovulating. it happened to me once when i was 18 and it be worst pain ever. i even went to the hospital.

I a moment ago lose control when im within like room i shoulda know?

Ur extent is upcoming.

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