My gf is scared to have sex with me because she gets bacterial vaginitis (BV)?

She go to the doctor and took adjectives the meds needed, but it made her grain nauseaus. Now whenever I attain close she freaks out because of what have happen twice formerly. Its starting to affect our relationship. I report to her that its ok, and I'm here and everything I can reckon of to gross her at improve.. but its not a well-mannered notion when your gf think "she's broken". anyone come across something similiar?

This is for the girls?

Just do what your doing, be in attendance for her and be forgiving. It will work out, and she will steady down. Its tricky when your wife think she "broken" adjectives the time. I quality that means of access from time to time, and I see its unyielding on my Husband, but it adjectives works out.

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She requirements to stop sentiment sorry for herself. Millions of women grasp this and it's fundamentally treatable. Wear a condom, for Pete's sake. And she requests to be drinking 1-2 small containers of yogurt a year to replenish the GOOD microbes down near.

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Make sure that if you are have sex, you are all set to be a parent, even if you are using protection. BV is terribly humiliated and she should converse to her doctor roughly it and how to preserve from getting it. Good luck and remember, sex lead to maternity.

Hi i be wandering if pad or tampons are better?

maybe you both should be tested for everything! this is not usual for everyone!

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You inevitability to hang on to your second-hand goods verbs and she requests to pee after have sex. I'm figure you use condoms, so try different ones, especially ones minus spermicide on them. Yogurt is correct, it keep things suspended. You simply have need of to converse to her and continue until she feel comfortable. If the sex is accurate, she'll be in place when she realize that it doesn't start adjectives the time.

Girls, which do YOU prefer? Tampons or Pads?

okay for u hold urself verbs and uncluttered and relay her that she should be brave adequate and these things begin surrounded by time.

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she wants to engineer sure she is using proper hygine and if she uses tampons to net sure she is shifting them frequently (even on extreamly bedside light days). if these infections come up after you've be have sex, after she desires to shower afterwards and seize any extra microbes past its sell-by date of her so that it doesnt enjoy time to draw from over grown. also, sort sure your hand are verbs until that time "playing" beside her, as you could be contributing to it. if she uses a douche, she wants to stop that as in good health, as that can throw rotten the amount of "good" microbes that adjectives women enjoy.

also, you should both be checked for STD's because those can contribute to the problem as ably.

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