Can a indigestible menstrual term variety you hold dizzy spells?

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yes it can. alot of women get pale when they have their spell. usually its just a symptom of have your period...but sometimes it could be something serious. if you are continuously dizzy or in reality pass out or leak over then you should be in motion to the doctor Yes take vitamins next to iron. Your body is losing blood, but consult with your gyn.
Yes - you may also be anemic. Make sure you're ingestion foods with lots of iron. YES it could be.. when it so filling. just try to pinch a rest
Repeatedly heavy flow can make happen your hemoglobin to go down...and raison d`??tre symptoms like dizziness, shortness of breath, fatigue etc.. Make an appointment beside your OB-GYN. Good luck! Kjl Yes because you are iron poor. Also it has be found that when a woman has her time she lacks calcium and iron. You could also feel ill too.
yes. this morning, i woke up with severe cramps and go to the bathroom. not long after that, i was lying on the floor roughly to pass out, foreboding as if i was going on for to throw up, i was so dizzy.
i call the advice nurse and she said this be usually because of a heavy menstrual extent. Yes.
I would say def. YES...

I've notice I get really thirsty and sometimes for a while light head during my periods..
yeah. Yep, the loss of blood cause us to lose iron. The heavier the period, the more iron you loose. Whenever I start mine, I enjoy to take iron supplements surrounded by addition to my each day multivitamin until the end or I procure majorly lightheaded.
Yes it can, you am be loosing too much blood and it is causing your regular blood levels to be too low. It is call anemia. Try taking and OTC iron supplement. If you are still worried or not any better see your physician. Best of luck !! Yes, due to loss of blood. I consider you should see your doctor as you may be anaemic.
sure can yes very much. the loss of electrolytes will bring the weakness. simple solution - drink lemonade next to some salt surrounded by it.
Yeah, I get really shaky too sometimes even if it's pale so when it's heavy I touch really weak and dizzy at times.

Thank godliness it's not that often! lol

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