The pill= great birth control because I hold no sex drive!?

My boyfriend has notice that I have be very phyically distant since I've be on the pill. I never want sex and I don't even want to cuddle. I would just to some extent talk. He have pretty much given me the ultimatum because he feels totally hurt and rejected.

I have arranged that I would like to budge off the pill because previously I have a very on form sex drive. I have tried several brands and none of them hold worked for me. However, I'm concerned about my skin because I tend to find acne and no periods when I'm bad it (PCOS). We have granted that we won't have sex because I don't want to risk getting pregnant, but will still be intimate. I don't trust condoms as they own broken in yesteryear.

Basically, I was freshly wondering if anyone else has be in this situation? Are in that any other options? I'm tired of anyone a depressed, sexless b!tch but I hate the side effects of NOT individual on the pill.

Polli cystic ovaries?

I actually read an article a while final about how studies enjoy been done something like the relationship between birth control and sex drive. There is a hormone that the pill either prevents or releases. Either route, this hormone never really gets pay for to regular levels after quitting the pill. Even years after that, the results were pale. I quit taking the pill a while before I read the article, but my sex drive have never really taken off. It's our curse mortal girls, I guess. I have done some research, and most of it say that even though you may not be in the mood, do it anyway. You'll bring in the mood eventually, and the more you exercise this, the more it's supposed to pick up. Hope this help!

Girls only! idk if im getting into the stage of term?

The pill is bad for you. Putting synthetic hormones in your body have screwed it up so it doesn't want to have a extent. I would recommend going to see an acupuncturist for your problem.

Any doctors or nurses can answer this? Scared and confused!?

If you still want the convenience of the pill... you might have okay luck beside the "mini-pill". This pill is progestin-only, as opposed to the more adjectives combination estrogen-and-progestin "Combination" pills. They are supposed to have a lower incidence of sexual side effects. But if you're unpleasantly sensitive to this sort of thing, nearby are really no guarantees.

There are other nonhormonal b.c. options (such as the copper-T IUD) that are notably effective, but nought really that'll help next to your PCOS. Have you been to They are a PCOS support site and may enjoy some good suggestions for non-birth control pill methods of controlling your acne.

Why do we cramp during our extent?

Have you told your doctor about these symptoms? He may hold to try different dosages. Each birth control pill has a different height of each hormone. Sometimes you enjoy to experiment to find the right combination of hormones that will work for you. Other than that, you can try other methods of birth control. There are shots that you get 4 times a year, within are implants such as Norlant. There are internal uterine devices which also prevent birth control. You could consider have your tubes tied (tubal ligation) but that should be considered permanent. Depending on your age, this may be too extreme of a method. However my most intelligent solution would be to address with your doctor and ask h im what adjectives the options for birth control are. They are coming up near new things adjectives the time. You could try condoms in combination near another method. Example, condoms and spermicidal sponge.
Good Luck to you.

I want to hear from someone who has have endometriosis or other similar problems with their womanly parts !?

Horny Goat Weed will solve adjectives your problems. HGW is a natural herbal pill you can buy at GNC (and most service stations take three packs). Buy the men's horny goat weed-not the womans. HGW, is not like spanish fly, contained by the sense that it makes you horny-but it does increase the sensitivity to your erogenous zone so all it take is very little stimulation and you're geared up to go. I would reccomend HGW to any females that read this, however, keep hold of it away from your male partner as it will increase their sensitivity as well, and inflict premature ejaculation

GiRlS oNlY!!!?

Have you seen an Endocrinologist in the region of your PCOS? He/she could give you other option that would help you.

I enjoy PCOS also and understand what you're going through. I am the contrary: I had no sex drive past I went on the Pill.
The pill does not cure PCOS, it only helps next to regulating periods and birth control. The pill is not for everyone.

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