Getting a breast running down refferral?

I've just enquire at my doctors, about getting my 38H bust reduced.
The answer be a resounding NO!
He said i hadn't mentioned them in all the years of one seen within the system, never complained of backache and my 'personality' be too unstable.
I started crying because i really want it done, and i was told no concern how much i cried, i wasn't going to manipulate him.
I wasn't crying to press the tosser.

Has anyone any ideas how i can gain a reduction on the NHS near bypassing this doctor who has adjectives the caring mannerism of Hitler?

What treatments will they most likely do for PCOS?

I judge you need to see another doctor

Why would my nipples be so tender?

I recommend you this site:
They give plastic and cosmetic surgery in Argentina. Maybe you can ask them around your necessity.

Emergency Contraception and Pregnancy Tests?

Find another doctor who will refer you. What an a$$hole.

Good luck with dealing near the NHS.

has a forum you can progress to talk to others who have to deal beside the NHS as well as before/after surgery concerns/experiences.

My friend told me she is getting lumps on her armpit is that perilous?

definitely go to another doctor.

What would be the basis if theres discomfort (itching,etc,)on the very tip of the clitoris?

Sorry you can't bypass your GP beside regard to a referral. I enjoy only hear your side of the consultation, however it is generally immediately quite difficult to capture breast reduction, or augmentation carried out on the NHS surrounded by many areas.

I haven't have my period surrounded by 51 days I'm scared I'm single 16 what should i do !!?

generally it is very difficult to take any cosmetic surgery on the nhs unless it's life threatening. i have a friend who's breasts were so ample and heavy she could not do her commission and had to take a desk job, she have permanent fund ache, stooped, unsophisticatedly ruined her life, she be only 23. I saw her the other year and she'd had them done, it singular took her 10yrs of agony . She could have have them done straight away, only if you hold the money to go private. unhappily the way the nhs is at the moment it is not considered an urgent operation. Your just choice may be to go private.

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