I stipulation relieve..Grl back.?

ok so iam 14. I have had my time for about 2 n a half years. My closing period was January 17 08. It is in a minute April. I heard that stress n weight loss can irregulate ur time. well i have alot on my plate so most of the time iam stressed. N since January i enjoy lost bout 15 pounds. I am so freaked out that there is something wrong with me. Should i see a doc. bout this? R those the reason why iam still irregular??HELP ME PLZZZZZZZZ!!

Clear, sticky, smelly discharge?

Stress and rapid weight loss can of course do that. It happened to me. I didn't have my extent for over 6 months. I went to my female doctor and she give me proestrogen pills and I had to gain 5 lbs. I'm still irregular, but I only turn about a month (I've always be irregular though).

So try to find a time during the day to have you time and try to relax. Stressing is not a forceful thing and can really screw up your form. Its a hard thing to do. Try exercising, taking long walk, or even calling a friend. Praying and reading my Bible helps alot as well. Just find something that calm you now and when you feel stressed do that!

Best of luck!

Better orgasm?

I believe most women enjoy irregular patterns. So, dont worry because you are fine. The more you verbs, the more stressed you are going to be.

The only thing you own to worry about is when you miss a term. So, as long as that doesnt happen, you are fine.

If the irregular pattern bugs you for any defence, I recommend you to go on birth control. I hope my answer helps!

Put a condom on?

Yes you obligation to see a Dr. right away. stress abd weight loss can affect you periods but man this long you should be checked just to make sure. If you hold been sexually active (yiou didn't enunciate that you were or were not) you may want to whip a pregnancy test.

Is it possible?

There are lots of things that can make your time of year irregular, including stress and weight loss, but you really need to see a doctor to try and determine the justification.

Okayyy.. Worried and anxious around breast cancer, or w.e this is? (Don't be tight, I'm freaked out)?

Yes, you are correct. Stress and weight loss can do this. You need to see a doctor asap.

I in recent times finished my interval! when is the best time to try for a babe-in-arms?

dance see a doc. A.S.A.P

sumthingsz goin wrong down there**

Could i be pregnant after my tubal?

You are completely right. Make the appt.

What is the just the thing necessary stat for women? Is it 36-22-36 or 36-24-36?

Go see a doctor

I hold a dependence of intake too much and not attainment weightiness. I am breastfeeding, but at work most of the time.?

I am 12 and a partially and i started my extent?
Is it possible to enjoy menstrual-like symptoms while continuing to breastfeed, but not own a spell?
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