Hard Lumps in both breasts, painful, sore, what does this mean? Pls help...?

So im doing my monthly breast exam, or let read aloud every 3-4 months...and I've notice my breasts hold VERY strong lumps, small and big within both of them, most rugged tissue, it hurts if u apply somewhat bit of pressure. Inpartiular my disappeared breast have a lump that isnt moving fundamental the nipple and its really scratchy when touched. The right is lumpy, but not as much as the disappeared. Should I be worried? After finding this, I remembered I hold abundantly of breast strain, they will be sore reasonably repeatedly, even to the touch.....what could these lumps be? They be never this big or rugged, and its really bothering me. I dont know of any breast cancer in the people....but i dont presume boobs should grain similar to mine....any input would be courteous..gratitude.

Im 13, and i want 2 know what cause us to manufacture us "consistency close to we own to throw up" ?

It could be a buildup of fibersistic tissue. Is it that time of the month? If so, some women's breast will swell, have lumps and pain. If your condition persist, I would support you to hold it checked out in recent times to be on the safe and sound side. You don't own to own a kith and kin history of breast cancer for you to take it. As for the discharge, that's not a righteous sign. Have it looked at quickly.

How long should love-making finishing?

I would distinctly run and see your physician, lumps surrounded by the breast might be anything from cancer, a tumor, or merely a cyst. So, I strongly suggest a assembly as soon as possible. God Bless.

What does it penny-pinching when a young person discharges continuously?

Go to the doctor, if you are unsure going on for it especially..

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I own extremely tough lumps at times, it is fybroid cysts surrounded by breasts. Very adjectives truly. However, I enjoy never have the strength issue that you are stating you own here. I would stir to your doc. It is worth checking into.

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