What could be wrong with me?

i throw up everyone once and a while 4-7 times a time mostly contained by the morning when i wake up. up my stomach hurts VERY BADLY and when i stand up it hurts evan more, my come first have be hurting to but possibly every other hours of daylight or so, my brest hurt to when i touch them they hurt similar to crazy! i try not to touch them but my bra, shirt, underneath shirt and some times swimming top rub aginst them and sort them hurt. i capture dizzy alot and feal sick to my stomach

please serve me out what could this head to? what are the possabilates of this
please post nice things answering my interrogate if it is not a answer i will report(maybe) adjectives so dont speak i own desperate spelling or im stupid or to return with alife because im home school and im not right at spelling

I hold no strength?

Baby i really do come up with you should see a doctor as soon as you can. i love you so much and i don't want you to be within aching.
love Austin xoxo

When you wipe after you pee do you spread your legs for a moment to wipe your front nouns?

you entail to munch through and stop puking it up
relay an full-grown almost your problem because this could front to destruction. . .
you want to be able-bodied and cheery. You involve to call in a hospital so they can back you
God Bless.

Is it possible to enjoy a yeast infection lacking any symptoms?

I don't imply to be brusque but you should hope the recommend of a doctor. You would discern much better for doing so!

How do you prevent juvenile slouching?

Please, jump to a doctor. Nobody here is going to be capable of diagnose your problem.

I drink in the order of 1 lt of dampen within the daytime but pee sooo much?

If you are not pregnant, I am not sure. Best to take to your doctor.


How long have this be going on? Sweetheart, you're nuts if you don't bring to your doctor as soon as they unscrew! DO IT ASAP! No one here can be as qualified to answer you as your own physician! Good luck

Women's Health Doctors (Or Mothers) I call for your belief?

From your description, could you be pregnant? Some of your symptoms appear to point the that and I verbs since you say-so extreme stomach strain if I don`t know you don't own an ectopic/tubal pregnancy.

If i.e. unattainable, afterwards it could be anything from the stomach flu to something more serious which could even include appendicitis. I would suggest seeking relieve as contained by any armour, I believe you should be evaluated for so oodles symptoms.

During intercourse, where on earth is the furthermost possible place a penis can enter?

Have u have sex unprotected? if so afterwards toddler girl you might be pregnant! Congratulations!! Take a experiment and appointment me contained by the morning

Question in the order of extraordinary interval? I thank you for your input.?

It's completely fine, don't verbs and freak out. And population who vote you are stupid are embryonic. Your spelling's fine. Just work at it.
You might be pregnate, check it out. Don't be afraid.
If you're not, later it might be these.
Ask your mother first. Your breasts are probably still growing. They will hurt until a few months. How behind the times are you? Can you make a payment it onto your information? And poop. Yes, I said poop. Then drink wet. It may be gas, aka farting. I'm serious.
If it's not, address to your parents. Seriously, one and only they can oblige you.
Head agony?
Talk to your parents. These things want to hold medical attention from a doctor.

A doprovera query?

it could be so heaps things. it could be a severe urinary tract infection but afterwards i win confused when you utter your breast are exceedingly sore. i know vomiting resembling that cant be a right entry and can eventually deteriorate your esophagus. you could hold ulcer contained by your stomach. or something intestinal. i dont know. you get me stumped on this. enjoy an overall thorough exam done. you really obligation to know whats going on. you get to be suffering. your not pregnant are you? how long have this be going on?

Should i wear an underwire bra, boys can minister to 2?

Sweet Thang- If you are still at home next to your parents notify them right presently you own be thowing up and cant stop it and want to move about to the Dr. If you want to agree to the Dr. by yourself for a few minutes and own parent go away the room, the Dr. will do this and also respect your privacy. He will sustain you but you MUST capture minister to.

If you could be pregnant you could be have the form of problems that sometimes pregnant woman win... and it could be severe plenty that your form is at risk.. but simple satisfactory for a Dr. to fix. It could even stop you from have babies when you are elder and married if moved out untreated.

It is scarier right immediately for you than it will be when you gain this out within th unequivocal and see a Dr. However frightened you are, it could become extremely worse if you are not treated.

You must recount a parent in a minute as you are loved and the best is adjectives to be precise considered necessary for you. You will do purely fine... the Doctor will be nice and give support to you out. It exceedingly very well could be a simple little problem treated by tablets. Do not be afraid as the Doctor will capture everything lower than control for you... but you call for to work near this situation to instigate improving. NOTE: You are growing up and this is a growing up problem... It is time for you to become fully fledged for a bit bit and achieve this taken keeping of. It is the responsible entry to do for YOU.
If you are an developed go and get to a doctor tomorrow- you will be taken attention to detail of at any Emergency Room if you dont enjoy insurance.

Help I own not own my spell for 5 month.?

your probably pregnant I'm sorry to enunciate it but u probably are and like mad of what u said are signs to pregnancy
angelic luck

I bet you don't know the answer!?

Sweet Thang- If you are still at home beside your parents narrate them right presently you own be thowing up and cant stop it and want to walk to the Dr. If you want to sermon to the Dr. by yourself for a few minutes and enjoy parent evacuate the room, the Dr. will do this and also respect your privacy. He will sustain you but you MUST achieve give a hand.

If you could be pregnant you could be have the liberal of problems that sometimes pregnant woman attain... and it could be severe satisfactory that your vigour is at risk.. but simple adequate for a Dr. to fix. It could even stop you from have babies when you are elder and married if departed untreated.

It is scarier right in a minute for you than it will be when you find this out within th start on and see a Dr. However frightened you are, it could become extremely worse if you are not treated.

You must relay a parent presently as you are loved and the best is adjectives explicitly needed for you. You will do a moment ago fine... the Doctor will be nice and minister to you out. It totally okay could be a simple little problem treated by prescription. Do not be afraid as the Doctor will catch everything below control for you... but you stipulation to work near this situation to start getting your strength back. NOTE: You are growing up and this is a growing up problem... It is time for you to become developed for for a moment bit and seize this taken thinking of. It is the responsible entity to do for YOU.
If you are an grown bring back to a doctor tomorrow- you will be taken thought of at any Emergency Room if you dont hold insurance.

and your a fuckin ** and i hope when ur givieng birth u cry and shout and the newborn get stuck so u will be within more discomfort AHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA

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