Mirena IUD Question. Nurses, doctors, etc. please help?!?

I'm currently taking Ortho Tri-Lo Dose (the lowest hormonal BC pill around). However, I'm not cheerful near the thought of taking BC pills because of my strong ancestral history of breast cancer. My mother, aunt, and grandmother adjectives enjoy have breast cancer, so I'm at a lofty risk of developing it subsequently on.

I'd close to to receive an IUD (Mirena), however, I've hear that they will individual supply it to women who hold already have at tiniest 1 child. I'm solely 21 and enjoy not but have a child. I am surrounded by a long residence, committed relationship (2 years) and don't forsee a breakup any time soon.

Anywhosit, my query is; Can I still receive Merina as I hold a strong own flesh and blood history of breast cancer, even though I've never have a child? Thanks so much within finance. Also, any other suggestions would be incredibly much appreciated.




I am not a doctor or nurse but I just now get the Mirena (about 3 weeks ago).

I am 25, hold never have children (and don't plan to). Both my Mother and and Grandmother have breast cancer. After discussing my option near my gyn I settled to step ahead and return with the Mirena.

So yes, near a house history of cancer and beside no children you can draw from the Mirena. I enjoy have 2 different gyn's recommend Mirena past I finally fixed to donate it a try and I couldn't be more happier. I would recommend discussing any concerns you hold beside your doctor past making a final finding.

What are the affects of a pregnancy on a woman's breasts?

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Girls-help please!?!?

I am not a Dr or nurse but I do hold the Mirena. This is something lone your Dr answer. The most important drive they do not insert them in women who hold not have a child is because of a complex fate to expelling it.

Is this commonplace? I find it strange.?

Hi. My sister is a nurse. This is what she said:

IUD is a foreign goal made of copper which must be inside the uterus three weeks until that time intercourse. Since it is made of copper, it have a strong probability to wreak irritation to the uterus and worse, it can mete out cancer knowing that you hold a strong history of cancer. Any form of foreign objects can impair you and create inflamation.

try calendar method and body basal warmth method instead.

Could it be IUD stomach-ache?

I own an IUD (not sure of the type right immediately, but I don't reckon it's Mirena) and frequent doctors be resistant to letting me own it, but eventually I found one that would. However, I estimate things are varying. IUDs have a really discouraging rap for a long time because of the one that cause problems within the 70s. But a few years ago, the Center for Disease Control determined that IUDs are without blemish secure for adjectives women, whether they've have children or not (I don't hold any). I vote newly do your research, find out if you cogitate it's right for you, and consequently step looking for a doctor who will do it for you. Good luck!

Have you have an ablation for Endometriosis or Adenomysosis?

Okay - first of adjectives the Mirena does not contain copper. Just required to capture that out of the route! The ParaGuard IUD does contain copper.

Second - women whom enjoy children are at a greater risk for expulsion not the other channel around. Because women who enjoy have children vaginally hold have thier cervix dilate - the natiural cervical first showing have a highly developed incidence of "loosening" than someone who have not given birth. Insertion of an IUD is in actual fact usually easier if a woman have have a child.

The Mirena is not contraindicated for women who enjoy not have children. I own never be pregnant and enjoy one. However I am 37 y/o and married for 12 yrs.

Your age is a concern for most practitioners. Because it is contained by place for 5 years at a time - most vigour meticulousness providers will be reluctant to insert an IUD in a woman of your age.

The cause human being is that women next to more than one sexual partner are at a substantially difficult risk for uterine infections cause by STD's and disruptions contained by the middle-of-the-road symmetry of flora found surrounded by the vagina.

The "odds" are no problem against you not have another partner within the subsequent 5 years. They use statistics to determine this and while within are some who will never own another partner at hand are roughly speaking 95% of women out here that "statistically" will enjoy multiple partner from the age of 18-30.

Even though you are within a committed relationship in a minute - in attendance is no agency to see what may come within the subsequent 5 years and have this device placed contained by a woman who is not sexually moving have it's own risks but throw sex into the mix and you presently double the risks.

The sense most believe the Mirena is solely for those who hold have children is because contained by the marketing ---they are bank that most of the women interested - have have a child- are contained by a monogamous relationship and married.

Call your OB/GYN Provider and receive an appointment to discuss your option. You may find an alternative OR you may find them liable to place the IUD.

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My best warning would be to do you research and rally as much information as possible to permit your Dr. know how serious and committed you are to getting the IUD.
I do not hold any children and be competent to hold it inserted. If you live in an nouns that have a women's clinic or advocacy place (like Planned Parenthood) contact them. They can comfort you get together the information or lend a hand you find a doctor who will insert the IUD for you.
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