Can i still have sex with my wife even if her womb has been removed?

I inevitability adjectives kind of details...

do you expect it's run of the mill for me to wanna receive laid?

yes you can.

Hymenotomy? assist!?

i have a hysterectomy tomorrow so god i hope so!!

I sometimes carry rapid sharp pains in my breasts.could it be my bra?

I hope you connote vaginal sex because I don't support going up the bum.

what to know abt feminine organsm?

Yes, but she might be too sore for for a time while. And you can throw birth control out the porthole.

Why do women capture angry during period? what is the cure or drug for it?

yesw as you would expect you can, of late not for a few weeks after!

I be on birth control for a week and stopped taking it and am immediately bleedingis this common?



If you mingy uterus by nickname of womb than you can relish as much sex as you want & within as masses style you know.

DO Boys resembling short and skinny girls?

Yes bud! u can stimulate her ** 4m adjectives aspects.

Should calcium deposits contained by the breast be removed to prevent cancer?

After she heal from the surgery, everything will be exactly one and the same as it be up to that time from the sex standpoint. She may hold some issues near lubrication, but save for that you will be fine.

period request for information?

sure, not a problem

Have any of you ever be pregnant and still be on your length?

yes ov course you can! dnt verbs its fine! :)

What is the best agency to be in motion just about getting a breast decrease?

Yes man. No birth controls needed.

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