Why there is stomach problems after sex?


Girls onlyagain!?

Mabye you are going at it too easier said than done. Might want to lessen up for a while.

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I be told at work that this guys girlfriend be have stomic pains during sex while on her time of year.

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Its strange sex does not effect the stomach within anyway but however the exercise might be cause you some discomfort within the stomach which may be due to gas which is getting compressed during the conduct yourself and giving you the niggle.

Boys! What age did you swot?

Either you are swallowing to much semen or your boyfriend's penis is extremely hulking. Seriously though, you are not supposed to enjoy stomach problems after sex. It's not common, so progress to a doctor and reach a deal to him, to rule out something that could be seriously wrong.

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If you are have distress surrounded by your stomach during or after sex you might want to look into Endometriosis. The following are symptoms of this condition if after reading this you find you hold more than one symptom shift to your doctor fast. For more information please stir to the trellis relation I provided. Good luck and you enjoy my best wishes.
Symptoms of Endometriosis:
Pain, which can be:
Pelvic aching.
Severe menstrual cramps.
Low backache 1 or 2 days earlier the start of the menstrual length (or earlier), becoming smaller number during the time of year.
Pain during sexual intercourse.
Rectal spasm.
Pain during bowel movements.
Infertility, which may be the solely sign that you enjoy endometriosis. Between 20% and 40% of women who are infertile enjoy endometriosis.1
Abnormal bleeding. This can include:
Blood in the urine or stool.
Some vaginal bleeding up to that time the start of the menstrual length (premenstrual spotting).
Vaginal bleeding after intercourse.
Endometrial growths (implants) that are immense are not necessarily more tight. Instead, twinge and bleeding are closely related to an implant location or how echoingly it have grown.
Several other conditions, such as scratchy period, adenomyosis, or noncancerous growths within the uterus call uterine fibroids, can rationale symptoms that are similar to endometriosis.

What cause multiple cycles?

Better consult a doctor.

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