Any one using progesterone cream , does it make you feel tired and sleepy?

I started on 2.1.07 and since I enjoy be totally tired and sleepy, but not until I use the cream that morning inside 2 hours I am exhausted. I hold be sleeping extremely ably since the use of the cream , my breast anguish is totally gone and my facade is even clearing up. 43 mature feminine Don't know if this is a ordinary side effect until my body adjust.

Trying to find pregnant.?

Q: What is progesterone?

A: Progesterone is a steroid hormone made by the corpus luteum of the ovary at ovulation, and surrounded by smaller amounts by the adrenal glands. Progesterone is manufactured surrounded by the body from the steroid hormone pregnenolone, and is a precursor to most of the other steroid hormones, including cortisol, androstenedione, the estrogens and testosterone.

In a typically cycling womanly, the corpus luteum produces 20 to 30 mg of progesterone day by day during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.

Q: Why do women inevitability progesterone?

A: Progesterone is needed surrounded by hormone replacement analysis for menopausal women for masses reason, but one of its most momentous roles is to match or refuse to go along with the effects of estrogen. Unopposed estrogen creates a strong risk for breast cancer and reproductive cancer.

Estrogen level drop just 40-60% at menopause, which is in recent times adequate to stop the menstrual cycle. But progesterone level may drop to in the neighbourhood nought surrounded by some women. Because progesterone is the precursor to so various other steroid hormones, its use can greatly enhance overall hormone go together after menopause. Progesterone also stimulates bone-building and thus help protect against osteoporosis.

Q: Why not a moment ago use the progestin Provera as prescribed by most doctors?

A: Progesterone is preferable to the synthetic progestins such as Provera, because it is untaught to the body and have no undesirable side effects when used as directed.

If you own any doubts just about how different progesterone is from the progestins, remember that the placenta produces 300-400 mg of progesterone day by day during the end few months of pregnancy, so we know that such level are safe and sound for the developing infant. But progestins, even at fractions of this dose, can result in birth defect. The progestins also explanation masses other side effects, including partial loss of figment of the imagination, breast cancer surrounded by examination dogs, an increased risk of strokes, fluid retention, migraine headache, asthma, cardiac irregularities and depression.

Q: What is estrogen dominance?

A: Dr. Lee have coined the occupancy "estrogen dominance," to describe what happen when the usual ratio or stability of estrogen to progesterone is changed by excess estrogen or deficient progesterone. Estrogen is a potent and potentially insecure hormone when not perched by all right progesterone.

Both women who enjoy suffered from PMS and women who own suffered from menopausal symptoms, will see the hallmark symptoms of estrogen dominance: solidity gain, bloating, mood swings, irritability, tender breasts, headache, fatigue, depression, hypoglycemia, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and fibrocystic breasts. Estrogen dominance is set to impose and/or contribute to cancer of the breast, ovary, endometrium (uterus), and prostate.

Q: Why would a premenopausal woman want progesterone cream?

A: In the ten to fifteen years beforehand menopause, various women regularly own anovulatory cycles contained by which they clear plenty estrogen to create menstruation, but they don't brand name any progesterone, thus setting the stage for estrogen dominance. Using progesterone cream during anovulatory months can support prevent the symptoms of PMS.

We in a minute know that PMS can materialize despite run of the mill progesterone level when stress is present. Stress increases cortisol production; cortisol blockades (or competes for) progesterone receptors. Additional progesterone is required to overcome this blockade, and stress paperwork is impressive.

Q: What is progesterone made from?

A: The USP progesterone used for hormone replacement comes from plant fat and oil, usually a substance call diosgenin which is extracted from a intensely specific type of gibbering yam that grows surrounded by Mexico, or from soybeans. In the laboratory diosgenin is chemically synthesized into genuine human progesterone. The other human steroid hormones, including estrogen, testosterone, progesterone and the cortisones are also nearly other synthesized from diosgenin.

Some companies are trying to deal in diosgenin, which they sign "blustery yam extract" as a tablets or supplement, claiming that the body will afterwards convert it into hormones as needed. While we know this can be done in the laboratory, nearby is no evidence that this conversion take place surrounded by the human body.

Q: Where should I put the progesterone cream?

A: Because progesterone is extremely fat-soluble, it is well rapt through the skin. From subcutaneous grease, progesterone is held into capillary blood. Thus digestion is best at adjectives the skin sites where on earth nation blush: obverse, nouns, chest, breasts, inner arms and palms of the hand.

Q: What is the recommended dosage of progesterone?

A: For premenopausal women the usual dose is 15-24 mg/day for 14 days in the past expected menses, stopping the hours of daylight or so past menses.

For postmenopausal women, the dose that commonly works powerfully is 15 mg/day for 25 days of the calendar month.

Q: What amount of progesterone do you recommend within a cream?

A: Dr. Lee recommend the creams that contain 450-500 mg of progesterone per ounce, which is 1.6% by consignment or 3% by volume. This routine that give or take a few 1/4 teaspoon each day would provide in the order of 20 mg/day.

Q: How out of danger is progesterone cream?

A: During the third trimester of pregnancy, the placenta produces almost 300 mg of progesterone on a daily basis, so we know that a one-time overdose of the cream is virtually impossible. If you used a full jar at once it might trade name you sleepy. However, Dr. Lee recommend that women avoid using difficult than the recommended dosage to avoid hormone imbalance. More is not better when it comes to hormone set off.

Q: Wouldn't it be easier to a short time ago run a progesterone pill?

A: Dr. Lee recommend the transdermal cream a bit than oral progesterone, because some 80% to 90% of the oral dose is lost through the liver. Thus, at most minuscule 200 to 400 mg day by day is needed vocally to pull off a physiologic dose of 15 to 24 mg each day. Such dignified doses create undesirable metabolites and unnecessarily overload the liver.

Q: Where can I go and get more information on progesterone and instinctive hormone harmonize?

A: For a detailed explanation of women's hormone symmetry issues, a hormone match program, as capably as detailed descriptions of how to use pure progesterone, the following books by John R. Lee, M.D. are recommended:

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About PREmenopause

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer

Click here for more just about these books including indication chapter and purchase information

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