Can a untreated yeast infection affect other parts of your body?

My friend have a yeast infection, but because she have diabetes her doctor say nought can be done just about it to carry rid of it completely. She have experienced severe twinge contained by her skipper for yesteryear week, can this be due to her yeast infection?

How do you know if you are infertile?

Yeast infections can spread from your vagina to your bladder, from your bladder to your kidneys, and from your kidneys into your bloodstream. When the infection is released into the bloodstream, it can be spread to adjectives organs. This is call septicemia. It can organize to any number of homicidal conditions, including endocarditis (infection of the heart) and meningitis (infection of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord). Your friend should emphatically see a doctor as soon as possible!

Body Fat Question?

I infer so. beneath my breast i get fungus it be itchy and i looked up itchy breast and it say from yeast infection. i be on antibiotics and the stupid dr told me to get through yogurt for the yeast within the vagina nouns instead of prescribing the medication similar to a regular dr. i enjoy an appt subsequent week to see another doctor. fyi i used some fungus cream and it have be helping. so i would right to be heard yeah headache could be something serious. usually when i crave sugar i gain headache it go away when i munch through candy. she should procure this check!ASAP!

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