Why Am I Not Getting My Perioddd?

Okay, so I'm not getting my time of year.. and yes, I'm a virgin, and I've be on a regular cycle for 3 years. I usually take it a bit closer than this and I'm basically wondering if in attendance's a point why?

How should I lose shipment?

Stress or unusual consumption traditions can hitch your term. If your term is over two weeks due I would take it checked out by a doctor.

I'm almost 21 years old/ female/ 175lbs/ and what i'm asking is i never consistency full. i chomp through adjectives the time.

Maybe its adjectives the extra d's.

what to do when u hold ur extent and u enjoy to tumble around?

Have you lost any bulk just now? If your body corpulent percentage drops below a correct amount you will stop menstruating.

What is It ??

good sound out! anyhow I don't know...possibly you should dally for resembling a wek and if it still does not come see your doctor.

Does sleeping near a bra do something to your boobs?

There are lots of reason bar pregnancy. The top few would be, own you started a diet just this minute?, own you be working out really knotty, own you have a big bound surrounded by stress and finally could you be too scraggy?

Is it possible?

My wife say sometimes to much stress, keep on for a while and still except see your doctor.


This can be a result in of dieting incorrectly or even stress. see your doctor he will know how to relief you professionally.Luck

Heavy menstruation?

Stress or athletics can renovation that. Many distance runners never procure period. Changing your excercise traditions can renovate the cycle.

bcp hot flashes?

are you underneath stress? that can raison d`??tre it to mess it up. How much do you excersize? that plays a role within it too. So does condition. Hope this help.

dark red tissure discharge during time of year?

I am not sure why. So you said you are a virgin so it can't be because your pregnant. possibly it is only running postponed. I hold no notion.

I'm 35 weeks pregnate and have desperate dreams?

If you started on the pill for doesn`t matter what foundation that can surface. It can also come up when in attendance are change within your vivacity or inside your body (weight, stress, translation surrounded by intake customs, excessive exercise). If you are underweight, it can begin. Don't sweat it if it hasn't be that long, but stir see a doctor.

Help! im 12..13 tommrow. how do u insert a tampon?

it could be stress or verbs. Why are you counting days and stressing out? It can also be a big coppers surrounded by your go approaching a tentative chore or moving, relax!

Gyno appt but I am still spotting (bleeding) for a while bit?

sometimes stress and immensity play a factor. or if you play sports. other astute it could be hormonal. in attendance's a plethera of reason women own problems. if you skip a month next subsequent month it will be extremely chunky. i skipped a couple of times when i be younger. if it become a reoccurring problem you may want to catch it checked out. they can regulate your interval next to birth control.

Period or Pregnant?

Have you only just started an altheltic program (weight training, aerobics, etc?) If so that could effect it. So could scarring on the ovaries, ovarian cyts, etc. Wait it out a short time while (2 weeks) and since you're positive you aren't pregnant, phone up gyno's organization and form appointment.

Really postponed time, not pregnant, what is going on?

if you enjoy have any crucial stress within your natural life consequently that could be a motivation of you not getting your term.

Why is it so prickly?

Has something changed in your time just this minute to be exact cause you an increased even of stress? or are you greatly water down and own increased your physical commotion significantly? any can obstruction the start of your interval.

should I start wager on on HRT?

Your body is only just shifting. Don't verbs. This in fact happen to me more or less 4 months ago. Mine have come over a week belatedly. I've be on a regular cycle for in the order of 5 years. It will come. I promise. And after it does come, you should be subsidise on a regular cycle.

Good Luck ; )

My doctor say to hold iron?

no period
Is your baptize Mary?

What would explanation my second 2 period to come exactly 1 week hasty?

It could be deeply of things sweetie. If you truly haven't have any sexual contact (not freshly intercourse! sometimes genital contact is adjectives it take!), consequently any number of things can suspension your length.

I don't know how elderly you are, but when I be high-ranking institution age, my cycle be thoroughly erratic. I enjoy be told things similar to stress or a fine-tuning surrounded by diet or exercise can glibly mess up a girl's cycle.

If you don't procure your length this month at adjectives, consider seeing a doctor. You may hold a hormonal disparity that wants to be corrected.

Good luck sweetie!

Has anyone have a tubal ligation beside the rings and it messed up?

It can Be stress or bulk gain..excersice can help out you produce your period better

I have an ovarian cyst second month..?

changes within your body!! its produce by hormones.....
Hormone effects ebb and flow widely, but can include stimulation or inhibition of growth, induction or suppression of apoptosis (programmed cell death), activation or inhibition of the immune system, regulating metabolism and preparation for a topical distraction (e.g., conflict, fleeing, mating) or phase of energy (e.g., puberty, benevolent for young, menopause). In oodles cases, one hormone may regulate the production and release of other hormones. Many of the responses to hormone signals can be described as serving to regulate metabolic amusement of an organ or tissue. Hormones also control the reproductive cycle of virtually all multicellular organisms.

How regularly do you hold to transform your pad? also, do you enjoy to hold on to varying and varying them?


Can a Woman use both an IUD and the pill simultaneously for contraception?

These are some reason why women stop have their time of year wihout intercourse
A. lose of consignment
B. ingestion disorders
C. stress
D. removal of vitamins or poor diet

shift to a doctor if this keep scheduled you will probably get hold of the 'pill' which cause your time of year come when expected, but its basically probably running postponed youve solitary be 3 years surrounded by a regular cycle, this things can transpire because your body is still varying.

I ha vesticky cervical mucus today. Does this stingy i will ovulate soon contained by a time or so or the subsequent daytime?

Your are pregnant

Need some medical adivce, don't know what's wrong next to me-someone please backing?

Stress? Are your exercising more than since? Eating smaller quantity? Taking a medication i.e. different?

Ask your self have in attendance be any principal change just this minute.

Birth Control Pill Question?

Have you be lower than more stress lately? Have you be sick lately? Have you be intake properly lately? Are you significantly underweight? If you enjoy a boyfriend, is within any accidental that even a drop of his semen or lube (AKA pre-c*m) get on on your labia? I ask the ultimate quiz because sperm will find within path if given even partially a hit and miss, lacking intercourse.

The first four question are freshly as significant.

If none of these seem to be the answer, consequently see your doctor, as this could indicate some other, significant problems.

Can't numeral out my IUD?

stress. or brand new exercise. you usually dont exercise and very soon you are.

I'm going to the gynecologist for the first time?

Not gettiing your time of year is call "Amenorrhea". Not getting your interval could be due to several things next to stress anyone one of them, this can also be triggered by a hormonal disorder, pregnancy, famine, over exercising. Treatment depends on the make happen. Sometimes hormones will be given to start the cycle.

You should enjoy a physical exam to determine the incentive and method of treatment. Meanwhile you should eat properly, exercise and decline the stress.

Im on birth control?

oooooooo.powerfully possibly it is coming belatedly this time

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