Why is it so painful?

me and my husband be both virgins when we get married; but sex is not close to what everyone witnesses on box, its extraordinarily itchy, and bleeding is persistant its be a few weeks know, any suggestions and how to decline distress? also, i tried birth control, but i have so lots side effects that i could not cart it anymore, so we opt for condoms, spermicide, and annul; is this important?


GIRLS ONLY..um this is an crushing cross-question?

See a doctor. Are you using lubrication? Have you ever have an orgasm?

Withdrawal is NOT powerful. You could be allergic to condoms and spermicide.

For some, the first few times will generate you quality sore, as it's be an unused muscle or even hurt, if you aren't properly lubericated, resembling the guy is contained by a hurry, doesn't arouse you and your body isn't arranged.

Relaxing, foreplay help, self fully aroused or better however, you have an orgasm FIRST or using a lubricant approaching KY-Jelly or AstroGlide can backing.

Pregnant women hold strange food cravings. Why don't men hold cravings during the woman's ordeal?

Have you gotten a pap done?

Something is not right. You stipulation to rota yourself an appt beside a Gynocologist asap.

Got my term today HElP THE WORST CRAMPS OF MY LIFE!?

since it be your first time your cherry popped(hymen broke) thats why it hurt so doomed to failure, it simply hurts close to that your first time though.

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Years ago, I experienced one and the same side effects next to birth control pills so I chose a spermicide. Nine months subsequently, I have a son, so I would NOT suggest that method.
Have you talk to your doctor? I know here are different hormone dosages beside the pill. Maybe you freshly requirement a lower one.

Is it doomed to failure that i my vagina is ichty and irritated after have sex?


Hi how to be well-dressed?

Sounds similar to you requirement lube and lots of self-control. I recommend any a dampen or silicone base lube (KY Jelly isn't reasonably strong enough). If you aren't aroused at the time of access, it's predictable going to hurt. Foreplay go a long style to arousal for both mannish and feminine.
Condoms next to spermicide can be forceful - DEFINITELY use lube next to them though. Withdrawal is NOT significant.
As far as the bleeding, you should see a gynocologist in the region of that.
Sex should be a wonderful experience, not prickly.

Is this usual for a interval? do i call for to see a GYN?

Something is wrong. Sex is pleasurable and it's supposed to be that approach. There's individual a exceedingly small amount of blood. I never even know when my hymen be ruptured. No headache at adjectives. You should not be bleeding and you should not be anguished. Sex is one of the most wonderful experiences on top soil. You should be capable of relish this gorgeous experience fully.

See a doctor, obtain a womanly exam, own her/him explain the facts of existence to you fully. Get on the Pill. Withdrawal is not at adjectives reliable because he could own pre-ejaculate up to that time orgasm. BTW you're supposed to enjoy an orgasm too.

I surface a sharp stomach-ache surrounded by stomach and within my vaginal nouns.?

You shouldn't be within headache or bleeding for this long. Pain shouldn't later that long and bleeding shouldn't ultimate for more than a light of day or so after your hymen be broken (though I enjoy hear of some girls spotting for a few days longer). Go to your gynecologist.

The more methods of birth control you use, the better.

I am have trouble getting raining beforehand sex?

What you requirement to do is see your doctor and own the tissue cut so it doesn't hang on to tear. Get on a virtuous diet from the form food store. This will strengthen the muscles and increase the desire for your husband.
It is wonderful to hear of a couple that be will to hang about for marital.
My wife have like peas in a pod problem and this is what we did.

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a friend of mine have especially sore sex also. Its due to her mortal dry down in that. Her doctor if truth be told told them to use vegtable grease. Its without fault healhty bc its adjectives natural and concluding longer consequently lubricans. I know it sounds grotesque, but in a minute they try it and the headache have gone away..otherwise go see adr.

Is within such a article as have a vagina to be exact too widespread?

If you hold have sex more than 10 times and it is still bleeding, next something isn't right. I use to surmise that sex be itchy because I be still "tight." Then I be diagnosed near chlamydia and I know that tender intercourse is one of the symptoms. After I be treated for chlamydia and tried to hold sex again. I go to the gyn and she said that I should hold a sonogram done. A month latter I find out I enjoy a cyst on my vanished ovary that 6.7 x 4.2 cm big. I am going to hold surgery on the 14th of August. Wish me luck!!

BTW. I wrote this adjectives only just to consent to you know that something is wrong when sex is other bumpy. Get checked out and devout luck!!
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