I went to the doctor and he found some fibroid tumors.......he recommended a hysterectomy?

i am afriad

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Don't be afraid.
I go through this give or take a few 10 years ago. Fibroid tumors are outstandingly adjectives and heaps times they are departed within place. If your doctor is recommend they come out it's probably because they are growing, so you can't walk out them within in that.
You'll be knock out when it it happen, and you'll get hold of some lovely drugs afterward so strain direction is really simple. You'll be down for a few weeks after, so be sure you've get perfect books, or even better, digital cable next to adjectives the movie channel and be sure you own a lattice of household and friends to relieve beside little stuff similar to store runs, etc. when you want it.
I spent the two weeks back the surgery cleaning my house top to bottom, removing stuff I didn't want to hold to dust or do business next to for a couple of months, stocking the house next to nonperishable foods and adjectives the sundries I would inevitability so I would call for as little as possible from the store. I also have to obtain adjectives my animal stuff and garden in position for me to be 'down' for a few weeks.
After the surgery I have a friend spend the hours of darkness the first dark, but be on my own after that (I'm fundamentally independant and prefer to do everything myself). I have friends who checked within near me by phone every daylight and my mom brought me groceries or anything I needed once or twice a week.
You'll be terrifically tired and questionable after, so set up your place for you to be an invalid and don't expect to do much but lay around and rest for a while.
Think in the region of how lovely it will be to come home and throw away adjectives your feminine hygine products and adjectives the 'repulsive' underwear you stockpile for when you menstruate! You'll never hold a interval again and won't own to verbs roughly individual pregnant!
A final minute, two other women at my department have hysterectomies for different reason than fibroid tumors in three months of me have mine. We be adjectives fine, vertebrae to work within a few weeks. We even joke for a long time after that a hystorecotomy be a mission requirement near that employer.
Don't be afraid, it will be fine.

There are copious different kind of hystorectomies, sometimes they appropriate the cervix, sometimes the ovaries. If you are youthful they will probably want to bestow your ovaries (like they did next to me) because you can still use the hormones. I notice after I posted this that lots of folks above me be wigging out going on for second opnions and clich?? not to acquire the hystorectomy. If you want second and third opinion, by adjectives ability, step for it. Fibroids are unbelievably exceedingly adjectives, and approaching I said above, are repeatedly disappeared contained by place, but within are conditions below which they do obligation to be taken out. I can report you from experience that it will be fine.

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How frail are you and do you already own children? Regardless I would procure a second and third judgment. Well you still did not answer if you have children or not. Anyway, if your fibroids are not cause you to own any discomfort or they are not bleeding after in that is no entail to hold a hysterectomy. As one of the responses indicate they are other option. ther is the Cauterization or Embolization, where on earth they cut stale the blood supply to the fibroid, another treatment is to freeze the fibroid (don't remember the actual word) where on earth it cause the fibroid to break away. Fibroids are hormone derived so here are medication that can do your body to shift through menopause, thus decreasing the amount of hormones the fibroid desires to grow, hence cause the fibroid to disappear surrounded by size allowing your doc to later removing undamagingly. All these option, and here may be more, you obligation to discuss next to your doctor to find your best preference.

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I have a fibroid tumor removed at 49 years of age, never did they suggest a hysterectomy. I would expect it depends on how tons you enjoy and age, it will put you into menapause. If you do choose to own the hysterectomy, it's really a piece of cake today, I have a friend that have one, she be up and at it surrounded by a few days and feel great. You will be fine, don't be afraid.

Help asappppppp?

How antediluvian are you? Do you want to hold children? If you don't want the surgery check near other gynecologist. Get at smallest 3 opinion. If they are adjectives equal consequently do it. If they are different next progress near the one make you discern safest and as if they know what they are conversation roughly speaking. Good Luck. Just remember that a hyst isn't the appendage of the world.

answer this ?

Get another belief. Fibroids are exceptionally adjectives and do not other require such drastic measures. I would definately seize another inference, from a specialized doctor, such as a gynecologist.

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I enjoy fibroid tumors and I enjoy have them for over 3 years. Do not bring a hysterectomy unless it is surely medically requisite. There are other procedures that you can do to try to shrink them. The prevalent article you requirement to do is revision your diet. Avoid adjectives dairy foods, meat fried foods and other processed foods adjectives together. Basically try switching over to a veggie diet. I enjoy done this and it have help me out profusely.
There are also other medical procedures that the doctor can execute excluding hysterectomy's. I forget what its call but deeply its something where on earth they insert something into the uterus to cut the blood supply rotten to the fibroid and this cause it to shrink.
Good luck to you and please don't catch a hysterectomy until looking into other option.

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Hysterectomy for fibroids? I muse to be precise pretty severe and probably expendable. You should unquestionably seize a second and even third assessment. Best of luck to you!

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DO NOT LET THEM DO A HYSTERECTOMY!! That is a Doctors suggestion every time and it's surplus to requirements but apparently more money contained by their pocket. A hysterectomy is main surgery and I be appalled by how uncomplicated they suggested it. Plus, it will put you out of work for at lowest possible 2 months!

I am an african american womanly and do you know that 50% of us enjoy fibroids? I be diagnosed near them when I be give or take a few 37. Heavy period made me incredibly anemic. I talk to 2 Dr's and the first article out of their mouth be hysterectomy!

I agonized over this for 3 months and contained by the meantime have horrible period and the cramps be unreal. I be even told that my uterus be the size of a cantaloupe. My sister have told me almost Embulization. It's a procedure where on earth they shift contained by your tight and trademark and artery that supplies the fibroids near blood cause them to shrink.

It took more or less 6 months to cart effect but consent to me notify you. I have this done more or less 3 years ago and my time have be put a bet on to conventional. An over hours of darkness stay at the hospital is adjectives I have to do and after stir backbone for check-ups I dream up 1, 4 and 6 months. I be even awake when they did it and watch the computer blind.

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Get another judgment. Hysterectomy is not the solitary answer.

FIRST try taking Red Root extract. It's an herb that Native American women used. Herablists today suggest it for fibroids & cysts in the womb and in the breasts. It will shrink or sometimes even eleminate them.

Here's one businesswoman's bear on it: http://www.herbsetc.com/shopping/l/lymph...

Also Violet Leaf extract have be shown constructive to restore to health these type tumors.

To arrest bleeding, Shepherd's Purse. For spasm, Cramp Bark. For anemia, drink Nettles Tea every light of day.

Castor grease pack used externally for 6 months enjoy cause fibroids to dissappear entirely.

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In oodles cases Vita-E can in fact gain rid of fibroid tumors. In one specific bag that I'm aware of, they took 6 Vita-E each day for three weeks. When re-examined she be pleased to find the tumors be practically gone. The doctor asked her what brand of Vitamin E she be taking. He told her that that brand be the severely best.

Hope this is functional and perceive free to contact me if interested in the brand and/or the website where on earth it is available.

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