My time of year is longer than mundane... abet?

so my period has one and only ever last 5 days. MAX. like other, but today was the 6th day of it, and its still pretty hard to digest... im 17, started when i was 14, and am sexually active, if that help any aha.

oh i am also REALLY irregular.. like there i usually simply ever get my period approaching every other month or every 5 weeks. its very unpredictable besides the fact that it just ever lasts 5 days.

Answers:    I definitely wouldn't verbs at this point. However, if you are truly concerned, you should speak with your gynecologist or mid-wife. But they will probably tell you that you are still contained by your teens and should only become concerned later on down the road if the menstruation pattern continue. Women are unique and one entity that may apply to another may not be so for the next woman. I've personally stopped trying to fit into the "normal" category when it comes to my menstruation cycle and other hormonally-based functions.

I started having my period when I be 11 and started out having a 5 day. And afterwards as the years progressed and I switched about on birth control pills, I had 8+ days and extremely beefy for the entire time. I'm now 21 and have be off of birth control pills for 5 month and am still having the 8+ days but in a minute sporadically, this is my second month in a row where my time of year has not come at its normal time. And I'm still waiting for it.
Since you're irregular, its not unusual that your period would last different days, even if it last the same days before. Seven days isn't unpromising, but if it gets to something like 10 or more, that's when you should see a doctor. walk to a doctor about it

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