I missed my later months period...am a virgin ..what can be the problem..any solutions please?

Answers:    The first 2 questions doctors ask if you ve missed a length is 1 are you pregnant and 2 are you stressed.If 1 you can eliminate after you might want to ask yourself if you stressed about anything.This is also not an unusual thing to come up.If you we rent to get your interval for longer than 4 months then you should possibly consult a doctor but otherwise try and not stress around it and I'm sure once you relax a bit it will come back.
It could be seriously of things so if you are really worried you should see your doctor who can check you out properly. Periods don't always come similar to clockwork for some women. Sometimes your period may come behind time becuase you have an irregular cycle, or it may be unpunctually because you are under severe stress, underweight, overweight, over excersizing etc so thats why you entail to go to the dr, causs it could be anything/ polite luck There is nothing wrong. Dont verbs. If you have not have sex you can not be pregnant. Many girls have irregualar period. It is not a problem, it just can be anooying as you dont know when you will turn. Some tiem end eyar i was not on for 6 months. Please dont verbs you are perfectly everyday. Also sometimes your periods can be irregualr if you are losing bulk. Hope i helped.
Stress, mass gain, weight loss, anxiety. complaint esp Gastro type bug. Completely normal... some girls hold perfect on the clock period. others don't. when i was 18 i started skipping my time for 2 months at a time... later on i started have periods that last TWO WEEKS! (and i was on the swim troop, too!)

i finally told my mom and we went to a womanly gynecologist (if you are young i regard you should go to a feminine one- it is just much more comfortable). the doctor put me on birth control. she explained to me that birth control can also be used to REGULATE your extent. sure enough, it worked. after 3 months on the pill i be told to stop it if i wanted to. i did and things go back to everyday!

don't worry, of late go see a doctor. within is a solution and it is simple and painless.

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