After coming of Cerezette pill?

How long is "normal" until you gt a proper cycle spinal column? I know everyone is different, but I hold be on Cerezette mini pill and also have the injection for 6 months of end year, and my cycle is purely...........completely messed up. I stopped taking it in give or take a few November, and since consequently I own have a term every week or 2. This is my 5th spell since November, and it's starting to go and get on my nerves! I'm not trying to capture pregnant or anything, purely adjectives the hormones don't agree near me so I contracted to run line of defence near my contraception. It's such a rework as I didn't own a extent for nearly a year, presently it feel non stop! Anybody else own this problem? How long did it steal to settle down

Do mefenamic acerbic tablets (for menstrual pain) take action feebly next to ibuprofen or paracetamol?

Its a exceedingly adjectives side effect! It take around 6 - 12 months to re establish a regular cycle. See interconnect below for info;

HELP PLEASE - Could I be pregnant, it it possible here situation? Please read symptoms.?

i have like peas in a pod problem, whenever you enjoy the injection it does this and can cart up to 6 months for your period to catch vertebrae to usual, your period hold be running on a false cycle so to speak, i know its horrible but sadly theres nil you can do but filch the pill again to counteract it, sit it out and be tolerant it will even itself out soon i promise, apposite luck.

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