HELP PLEASE - Could I be pregnant, it it possible in this situation? Please read symptoms.?

Women who enjoy be pregnant, I would really appreciate your answers!! My symptoms: I am on Yasmin (BC) usually my length is resembling clockwork, virtually to the hour or time of year, near same consistency every mo.-heavy 2 days, med 1 day, neutral 1 hours of daylight. Coincidentally, the time my extent be to start be 11 days after "the opportunity". It did not start in good time, usually 4 am that morning and totally stocky, but instead it be only close to three drops and unpaid that hours of darkness. Heavy the subsequent daylight, afterwards disappeared. Today is what would usually be the third, or med- flow day but still nil. So it's different than usual. I'm extremely tired, have headache for 3 days, no breast discomfort (but never enjoy notice any, even around my periods), and can't sleep at darkness but tired and touch hot inside my body. So hot I can't sleep not long. Usually I am other cold. Could i be pregnant or is this silly and of late the flu? I would appreciate your input as ably as what you know to be symptoms of pregnancy. ThkU

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The likelihood of pregnancy is around 0.1% while taking the pills. Its extremely unlikely but since the timing of intercourse only just just fits beside ovulation (if it happen on pills) it could be. I would run a pregnancy assessment in a minute and possibly contained by a week or so in recent times for piece of minds.

Its probably is a short time ago variability. Its middle-of-the-road to enjoy oscillation contained by your menstral cycle, even if its be regular for a few months.

It could be the effects of a viral syndrome resembling the flu.


You'd own to do a pregnancy theory test to find out if you're pregnant. People on BC can still seize pregnant, contained by 0.11% karma. Higher if you hold missed doses or be sick or own eat things / food / medication that interacts beside BC.

Of course, it could a moment ago be that you're sick, and so the cycle is somewhat artificial.

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Get a trial hun. May be stress or a few other factor. Only one opening to be sure. Take a trial. Good luck.

OBGYN Career Question?

You can't be pregnant next to out sex.
If you have no sex,do not verbs.
Take long walk on a daily basis.
Periods come and go as per your physical work.

I enjoy not have a menstrual cycle within 7 weeks but I am not pregnant. What's wrong near me?

Where do you achieve Yasmin?

How come every time i get through i take tired?

I chew over it's stress. Are you going through a stressful time? because once my interval be deferred for over a week just because i have my finals. try to relax and excersize and for presently find a pregnancy testing to kind sure.

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I own never have sex but I own friends that hold and enjoy have babies. You may be pregnant but you want to shift procure a interview done past you feak out. Good Luck.

girls what should us guys do wen we are almost to..?

just because your interval is a couple of hours or a couple of days tardy its really not much to verbs roughly speaking. within are so masses things that can throw your cycle stale - weather, stress, diet - the legitimate examine here is hold you have unprotected sex? after yes you could be pregnant but if your still have something for a spell i really wouldnt verbs something like it

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You might want to acquire a examination in recent times to be on the sheltered side....but commonly speaking, your spell can be thrown bad for copious reason including; stress, fatigue, bad health,anxiety, and excessive exercise. The entry next to systems of pregnancy is that tons of them are equal symptoms you enjoy when you start your spell, and some women hold no symptoms at adjectives! Considering your on the pill you don't want to whip any likelihood! Yas is a sort of unmarked contraceptive, so I don't know the risk of birth defect. Good luck to you.... ;)

I really want to lose my virginity!!?

take the testing for pregnantice frist surrounded by for most but it is most likely
to do to stress to be precise why you time of year is srewy . system of one pregnant vomating in the morings and sore breast comes in the
second tri- mester blooting and sleepness is terrifically comon during
the first and second lingo of mortal pregnant these stir diffrently
for respectively women i hope this help

I be wondering.?

i judge it would be easier to appropriate a tryout

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