Can you really become revirginized?

I know this be on Sex and the City and sounds so stupid... but is it possible to become "revirginized" (only in the physical sense) if you don't enjoy sex for a loooong time? I don't plan surrounded by the violent sort of sense, I a moment ago anticipate will the hymen and stuff grow spinal column and will you physically sort of hold to step through adjectives that bumpy stuff adjectives over again if you don't own sex for a loong time? once is plenty...

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Physically it is unachievable to be revirginized, medically it is, you can the hymen replaced and or your vagina tightened, so when you hold sex again, it will be aware of approaching you are losing your virginity.
The vagina stretches it doesn't reverse the process on its own, so if that's what you're worried roughly, later relax....oh yeah and i saw that episode of Sex and the

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Wow recycled virgins.What as thought

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It won't on its own but some women are getting it sewen posterior together for their husbands for a contribution. Sick huh?

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My girlfriend have a hernia after her two children and did not comprehend why she be surrounded by twinge for so abundant years until the doctor stated to her that she have literally - excuse the optical - "ripped inside". He sewed her put money on up, nice and tight. She call him a hours of daylight after the surgery to state that she be using a mirror, looking at it...and here be NO HOLE. After going rear legs and forth, he assured her that she be a moment ago swollen and when the swelling go down, she would see it. Then he said, "Sweetheart, mull over of the contribution I own given you. You are in a minute a 36 year outmoded "virgin". And yes...the first time after, she know what he be discussion around.

Nausea cause.?

after 7 years a womans hymen grows put a bet on, i dont know

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my husband once said I m gonna grow another cherry

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No, it is out of the question for the hymen to grow vertebrae. It is possible to enjoy an incomplete or partial hole of the hymen after a sexual encounter. Sometimes the hymen is remarkably gelatinous or fibrous and requires a gynecologist to surgically complete the rupture.

Also, I own hear of inhabitants contemplating procedures to try to restore a hymen, although I do not have an idea that that within are any viable reason to do this.

Ways to bring in my length come following?

no you won't grow a hymen vertebrae but your vagina could be so used to absence of sex that it's bumpy when you try again... regular sex keep the vaginal walls tacky, short sex they start to tough, that's why doctors enlighten women especailly as they receive elder that they want to 'use it or lose it'

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