How heaps women enjoy died contained by 2007 do to the abortion pill RU 486?

my sister is considering this since her ex bf raped her

Answers:    Well, I am not sure,but in my experience when i used to be a loved ones planning counselor, I only hear of one incomplete abortion from it,which caused an infection(plus,the woman never have her post abortion follow up with the prescriber of the RU).
The actual miscarriage induction happen over a couple of days,so she'd need to not be home alone during that time.Also,women who own a low pain tolerance report that it is really painful-for those who hold really painful time of year cramps,have have kids,etc.,they don't think it is as bleak.
If I ever had to own an aboprtion,I'd rather travel under standard anesthesia and have a surgical one.Plus,the medical one(RU) have to be done in a smaller timeframe as far as how far along she is...Good luck to your sister, I hope she get thru this OK.
i have never hear of any women dying from it, but there is other that slim risk as with any other mode of medication or pill. i know people who hold used this and they are fine. it just make you bleed so everything from an early pregnancy will be cleared out of your uterus. hope this help. I am not sure, but death from pregnancy and child birth is high than from RU486. My sister took it and the cramps were sore, but everything worked out okay. Good luck to your sister.
There have lone been a enormously few number of reported deaths related to RU-486 since it's be approved by the FDA. Your sister should definately discuss all her option with a doctor who can determine if she's at risk for complications from the medication. I would recommend readin the wikipedia article on the pill, as in good health as any other studies or articles you can find. I'd have your sister thoroughly research her option, for some women-regardless of their 'tolerance to pain', find medical, or pill abortions excruciating.

For example, I had a compound fracture of my arm awhile hindmost...this made me cry a bit...but silently, just brought tears to my eyes, you know? I have a RU-486 or Mifeprex abortion last September, and have taken Vicodin prior to it, and I was within a ball on the bathroom floor screaming. It be that painful. I procure migraines, have other had unpromising period cramps, on the other hand the medical abortion was 10 times worse than any agony I had ever experienced. It single lasted for just about 20 minutes, but trust me, that feels close to an eternity.

I'm not a pain wimp, but that be horrible. It varies from individual to person, some hold cramps just slightly worse than time cramps, others have horribly severe affliction. Here's a thread of women who had similarly discouraging experiences with medical abortion:

If I have it to do over again, I'd have have the surgical abortion, hands down.

As for the sanctuary of the drugs, it's safer than giving birth certainly, but surgical abortion is plentiful times safer than medical. That being said, medical abortion is still drastically very not detrimental, it's extremely rare for complications to take place that result in loss, although between 5-10% of medical abortions fail to end the pregnancy, so keep that contained by mind.

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