White stuff on the tip of my nipples?

little dots on it... like an off white...
is it commonplace?

Has anyone else cried when they found out their bra size go up?

I HAVE THE SAME THING! I asked my mom and doctor once and they both told me that it is part of the nipples. They are like white bumps right? And if you squeeze tricky enough it is like a pussy pimple? I enjoy the same thing if to be precise what they are. I wish I knew what they are exactly but I know that it is fragment of our bodies so dont go popping them because sometimes it hurts, I have experienced this. My suggestion to you is to ask a doctor if you can and show them, I choice that is what I did instead of just asking my doctor, I am going to do that on my subsequent visit. I have have them for a while now so I dont think that it is anything desperate but I still think that you should get it checked out.

Yeast Infection? Please answer it's urgent!?

That doesn't appear normal, go to a doctor asap.

Disorganised sex duration and hormonal imbalance?

ive hear that sometimes your breast milk can leak out. idk if thts the case but sounds approaching it

Whats an OBGYN?? do we enjoy them here within Canada? whats it stand for?

Go see a doctor.I think that's not good.

Were can i grasp plan b?

In your belief, do you conjecture it's best to break the hymen yourself previously have sex for the first time?
Tell me stuff just about the Vietnam memorial!! i requirement it asap!! plez and gratefulness!!?
Period Poll??
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