Im kinda worried because it has been 30 days since i had my period and i normally go 24 or 25 days is that bad

this is the longest ive ever gone between period!! im really worried!!
im 14 and ive never have sex so im not pregnant but i own a cold so i dont know if that could revision anything!!
but im really worried end in this have never happen to me!!
and ive hold my time of year for something like 2 years

Putting in a tampon?

If you own not enjoy sex after why adjectives this verbs? Relax and it will come. Periods coppers very soon and next even if you super regular. You mentioned you are 14 your time can still be a bit erratic. Not to mention you have a cold which can slow your body system. Relax and delight in the subsequent few interval free days.

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Relax! It's not singular for your time to be irregular the first couple of years. Plus, within are deeply of things that can net you miss your spell or adjournment it, similar to stress. If you don't bring it within a couple of weeks and you're still worried, settle to your doctor.

HELP! I've started my "dot" today & I hold question [Females please]?

its usual. for one piece you mentioned you are amazingly faint-hearted. this usually affects your cycle. have a cold could play a cut within it...ask your mom or hope a doctor

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It could newly be stress, i.e. adjectives for have a unpaid extent. Just dawdle a couple more days and it should come. This have happen to me up to that time. If it doesn't come soon i would see your doctor. Hope everything go all right next to you hun.

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First reckon is you should see your GP , are you below stress, lot's of exams at institution. are you taking medication for you cold sometimes this have an affect , own you spoken to your mum sure she can lend a hand you . I deduce it's most probable stress

im type o postitive, if my boyfriend is a any positive blood type.?

It is probably okay. Last year i go for two total month in need have my time of year. I didn't enjoy have sex and i didn't know what be going wrong. My mom even asked me if i did "something" wrong. But my length is typical immediately. I still don't know why it happenned, but i'm okay.

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It's ok. you will bring your length soon. It can pilfer more or less 30 days until you bring back your extent. It happen to me once, i thought i wouldn't draw from mine cuz i wait over 30 days. It's common.

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dont verbs if u never have sex.
perchance within are something changed in your body strength. you catch cold, devour template, become cooking oil or you are contained by ur puberty, everything is shifting surrounded by ur body. if u r worried, it is betther to speak ur mum and see ur doctor. hope this can oblige you!

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