Why does my GF poop and fart more when she is on her period?


My boobs too big?

in that is alot of bloating... embezzle sympathy on her and buy her CHOCOLATE!

Choosing a OBGYN?

ur bloated profoundly while your have your time of year.

Does sleeping near a bra do something to your boobs?

why dont you turn ask her urself dumb *.

When will I enjoy my spell?

I've other thought it have something to do beside the menstrual related cramping/muscle contractions that dance on down near during that time. The pressure and bloating cause excess "hustle and bustle."

Im using pantiliner over a months very soon can i possibly acquire any vaginal infection?


Is within any site where on earth I can listen to queef sounds?

If she experiences the salty-sweet-carb cravings that so lots women travel through, these types of foods convert to sugar, and sugary foods produce more gas...See the info from Dr. Oz at the contact below...

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