Gardasil question?

I'm deathly afraid of needles, but I still want to get hold of the Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine. However, I hear that it hurts more than other shots (not newly because it consists of 3 shots total)

is this true?


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I disgust needles but I get my first shot the other hours of daylight. The worst section be that it burned some going in (they give mine in the upper hip). That tiny mortified moment is alot better than have to shift through the treatments you would hold to do if you have extraordinary paps from HPV. Plus, I enjoy Blue Cross insurance and it rewarded for it.

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not really ive have it and im so afraid of needles. the nurse told me it would sting for a moment going in but it still didnt hurt nearly as fruitless as i thought. i hope this help!

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If it even hurt for a time I estimate it is worth it when you meditate of what you are preventing.

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Yeah, I'm afraid to find that too. I own a few concerns as to where on earth it's injected, and what the side affects are. Someone consent to me know.

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i haven't gotten it nonetheless but im planning to and i don't see why it would hurt more than any other shot. the singular entry that i can cogitate of to relief the terror of needles is to own someone move about surrounded by near you and chat to them when the nurse is giving you the shot so you're distracted. i hope it works and don't consent to your suspicion of needles deter you from getting the vaccine! curing cancer is profusely more raw than three needles contained by the arm.

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i get the shot, and it hurt. the vaccine stung going in, and my arm be pretty sore for a afternoon or 2. but i be set to, it could put aside your duration, so a light of day beside a sore arm is ok by me.

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i've gotten two of the three shots already and it doesn't hurt more than any other shot. my doctor's pretty well-mannered so I don't verbs more or less these things. it will sting a bit when the prescription go within but lone a bit.

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Over 50% of the audition patients reception GARDASIL reported robustness issues surrounded by the days after delivery the injection -- mostly due to site irritation, inflammation or swelling.

The Facts About GARDASIL

1) GARDASIL is a vaccine for 4 strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), two strains that are strongly associated (and probably cause) genital wart and two strains that are typically associated (and may cause) cervical cancer. About 90% of society beside genital wart show exposure to one of the two HPV strains strongly suspected to motive genital wart. About 70% of women next to cervical cancer show exposure to one of the other two HPV strains that the vaccine is designed to confer resistance to.

2) HPV is a sexually communicable (not an infectious) virus. When you consider all strains of HPV, over 70% of sexually live males and females own be exposed. A condom help like mad (70% smaller quantity promising to achieve it), but have not be shown to stop nouns contained by adjectives cases (only one study of 82 college girls who self-reported give or take a few condom use have be done). For the yawning majority of women, exposure to HPV strains (even the four “bad ones” protected for in GARDASIL) results in no particular strength complications of any manner.

3) Cervical cancer is not a mortal nor prevalent cancer contained by the US or any other first world nation. Cervical cancer rates own decline sharply over the later 30 years and are still falling. Cervical cancer accounts for smaller number than 1% of of adjectives feminine cancer cases and death within the US. Cervical cancer is typically extraordinarily treatable and the prognosis for a strong outcome is flawless. The typical exceptions to this overnight case are out-of-date women, women who are already weak and women who don’t bring back pap smears until after the cancer have existed for plentiful years.

4) Merck’s clinical studies for GARDASIL be problematic contained by several ways. Only 20,541 women be used (half get the “placebo”) and their vigour be followed up for solitary four years at maximum and typically 1-3 years simply. More critically, with the sole purpose 1,121 of these subjects be smaller amount than 16. The younger subjects be singular followed up for a maximum of 18 months. Furthermore, smaller amount than 10% of these subjects received true placebo injections. The others be given injections containing an aluminum brackish adjuvant (vaccine enhancer) i.e. also a component of GARDASIL. This is scientifically preposterous, especially when you consider that similar alum adjuvants are suspected to be responsible for Gulf War disease and other possible inoculation related complications.

5) Both the “placebo” groups and the inoculation groups reported a myriad of short residence and environment possession form problems over the course of their evaluations. The majority of both groups reported minor vigour complications essential the injection site or hard by the time of the injection. Among the inoculation group, reports of such complications be slightly highly developed. The small indication that be given a authentic placebo reported far not as much of complications — as within smaller quantity than partially. Furthermore, most but for adjectives longer residence complications be written sour as not mortal potentially vaccine cause for adjectives subjects.

6) Because the pool of examination subjects be so small and the rates of cervical cancer are so low, NOT A SINGLE CONTROL SUBJECT ACTUALLY CONTRACTED CERVICAL CANCER IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM — MUCH LESS DIED OF IT. Instead, this vaccine’s supposed efficacy is base on the reality that the vaccinate group completed up next to far not as much of cases (5 vs. roughly speaking 200) of genital wart and “precancerous lesions” (dysplasias) than the alum injected “control” subjects.

7) Because the test included a short time ago four years of follow up at most, the long residence effects and efficacy of this vaccine are completely unknown for anyone. All but the shortest permanent status effects are completely unknown for little girls. Considering the tiny size of adolescent study, the background around the shortest language side effects for girls are also dubious.

8) GARDASIL is the most expensive vaccine ever market. It requires three vaccination at $120 a pop for a total price flap of $360. It is expected to be Merck’s biggest lolly cow of this and the subsequent decade.

These are simply the facts of the situation as presented by Merck and the FDA.

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