Tampon Trouble!!!?

i am have so much trouble next to tampons and the problem is i entail to use them cuz im extremely busy, i get the playtecs sport ones but i of late cant acquire it surrounded by their. im 13 and ive have my length for a year very soon. i really stipulation to start using them but how?

Peroids.how long do they finishing?

I have a strong time too when I started...first start by looking at the diagram and doing as they do it, once you are used to inserting it you can do it your own path....and you also may be too small for the bigger tampons. Try using Junior sized first...they are made for infantile girl's bodys...or a short time ago use the regular flow ones....(although if you are really brawny you may entail a wipe along near it to block the extra flow.) If adjectives else fail ask your mom, an elder sister or a woman you trust to show you the proper mode to insert a tampon....it should not be uncomfotable....you should just quality it.

BTW- I see nation are recitation you to use the O.B. tampons...if you do PLEASE remember to generate sure the string hang...you wont be capable of gain it out lacking the string.

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If your body isn't primed later it won't work. Sorry for the fruitless word but until your body 'loosens' satisfactory you may not know how to use them.

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Why don't you try the ones short applicators. Those are the first charitable I ever tried and still prefer them to this year. It's worth a try!

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Try something smaller approaching a junior size tampon. Put one leg up on a toilet and nick a mirror to see how it go within. You'll consistency pressure, but you'll attain the hang up of it soon.

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Honey, communicate to you Mother or ask to be taken to a gynocologist and let somebody know them the problem you are have. It is probably nil, but one never know. Go find checked out a only just be sure!! Hope everything works out for you and your sports duration is super!!

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your hymen may be preventing it from going in, depending on how sticky and tight it is. Try practicing beside something smaller first, similar to a pen or a finger, and work your opening up to a tampon. don't be afraid to break your hymen, it have nil to do beside virginity and you'll be relieved once it's finally broken.

look for Tampax Satin Teen tampons

Birth Control and Sex?

Your mother would be the best aid, but I have a handle on that that can be embarassing, and we adjectives don't live beside our moms.
There are special kit at places that they trade those products that are made only for teenagers. They enjoy tremendously detailed dirrections and smaller tampons.
Maybe the size you get is to big. Find the smallest you can and try that.

my girl-friend is afraid of using tampons because she think she'll acquire TSS.?



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I longing I have asked someone. I know it sounds stupid but I moved out the cardboard on it.

Stand w/one foot on the toilet form -- be sure to insert the applicator entirely until your fingers touch your skin & single later should you push the plunger. Try to angle it subsidise toward your spine, not upwards towards your waist.
Check out the connect below.


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i find the ones beside the plastic applicator are more comfortable to put surrounded by because the slide up at hand easier, i regard that may be the ones you are conversation something like because they are playtex too.
you might want to try using the ones lacking an applicator, they are "o.b" tampons, and they may be easier to guide up in attendance.
until you are sexually busy and losen things up in near they won't be especially comfortable to put within. i'm not aphorism turn out and own sex or anything...don't do that at adjectives, but it will only just be easier when that time comes.

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sorry honey, but I agree next to the first poster. Your body may a short time ago not be arranged.

I get my term when I be 11 and couldn't use tampons till I be 20.

Don't force it, confer to your mum, or an developed friend.

Period Problems?

Oooh, no fun!! Well, listen to that guy 'mick t' posted above me, he know what he's discussion just about. But don't listen to that girl 'xplodeit', she doesn't know what she's conversation give or take a few. It's true that you can receive Toxic Shock Syndrome(TSS) from keeping a tampon in to long, but in attendance ARE NOT ANY LESS SANITARY THAN PADS! If anything, they are MORE sanitary, because I've have problems beside pad approaching they can chaffe your thighs and such! Good Luck!

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You are probably unqualified to use them.
At your age, it is awfully probable that you will not be credible to wear them comfortably. There are junior tampons made for teens (slender) that might work. Discuss this beside your pediatrician and your mom/ elder sister.

If you try to knotty to insert it, you can harmed the nouns! There is a possibility that your hymen perforation are too small.

Many athletic women wear pad. Try the strong long ones next to wing to stay contained by place!

Good luck.

Help me am i too skinny?

im unknown to tampons too and HAD that same problem close to yesterday! dont try to push the tampon straight up..angle it so its pointing more towards your butt, thoughtfully push it will slide right surrounded by. use a mirror too. hope this help!

My interval is WAAAAY unsettled?

Try to lubricate the tampon first and practice when your not on your time of year. The tampon can't hurt a short time ago pinch your time but practice don't loaf your length comes that worst time to be fumbling around down in attendance.

Oh my god!! Am i going to be okay?

first simply because it say it is a sport tampon does not be set to it works any better.you might own to try a couple different ones,never buy the cheep one they hurt,i use Playtex soft slither because I'm sensitive down at hand and they appear to work the best for me. it have taken a few years for me to find the right ones. also try the course you are standing when you put it in,it might comfort to hold one leg up on the toilet or side of tub, never force it contained by if you can consistency it or is mortified transport it out and try a investigational one, you should not be capable of discern it at adjectives. you can also try to use the regular size not super because they are bigger. or agree to the doctor you see for your physicals. Finlay ask your mom.

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tampons are no correct you stipulation the teen tampons if you have a feeling the tampon inside of you, later they are not for you

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Try playtex slim-fits :-)


put vaseline adjectives over the top half(thinnly) and it should slide right in. tilt path toward your butt.

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