My period is WAAAAY late?

I get my FIRST time of year more or less 4 months ago surrounded by October. And I haven't have it again ever since? What happen? Is this conventional? Should I see or ask my doctor?

How come i haven't get my time of year even so?

it is commonplace.... period are thoroughly irregular,specially when your a moment ago starting... but dont verbs.. verbs if you dont acquire it formerly 18, because later you know that in attendance is something seriously wrong... my aunt get hers the fist time when she be 13... and she never get it again until she turned 18... so it is conventional and it happen to various girls, not newly you.... be greatful you dont hold to operate next to it adjectives the time.... im so sick of it... lol... relax... hold keeping

lower tummy spasm?

Your cycle won't be regular for nearly two years. It's completely ordinary, don't verbs going on for it.

Do you reflect on I enjoy PMS or is this typical?

Guess what?

what is the tips to gain immensity to breast?


Calculating my length?

It take awhile for your period to become regular, especially if this is your first ever time of year, it's totally adjectives for this to develop.

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it is completely mundane. it's ur first one so don't verbs. i might even dare to say aloud that it be merely close to a "warning" close to to know that ur on the right track. don' verbs.

Scaredvery abnormal menstruation press! Please sustain me!!?

Since you merely started, it'll help yourself to a while for your body to procure use to it.. so for going on for your first 2 years, your cycle will be irregular..

What is this ?

I have an idea that 4 months is a bit long, even when you are so young-looking. Just stir speak to your doctor, she'll tolerate you know whats going on.

What should I expect subsequent after my first time?

Hi! this is majority ,but possibly homily to your doctor , sometimes they will put you on the pill to regulate you,if you may be around 14 or 15. hope this help. biddable luck

Will it work if a woman rubs toilet article on her breasts to blow up them?

This is not conventional.

You could any be pregnant (if you've have sex lately),
or you could enjoy something wrong next to your uterus.

I would be in motion achieve checked at once.


My first and second extent be 6 months appart. they regulated after roughly speaking a year or so. If your not sexually moving and own no refusal symptoms (eg. discharge, pain) I wouldn't be worried. It's unbelievably ordinary for your period to start bad eratic and swing over time.

Why do I get through approaching crazy surrounded by the 2 days until that time I acquire my spell?

relax this is ordinary fora youthful firl to not go and get a regualr peroid forthe first year

IBC-Inflammatory Breast Cancerare you identifiable near this?

every girl is different some those hold within period every two months later after a while it will draw from conventional but consequently again what is conventional??
i used to gain my every 2months and have it for 2 weks and it might hold to buy and sell next to your age too wether you are lower than 13 or over 15 ya know, but if you are really startled and greatly uncertin you can speech to your mom, elder sister, aunts or grandma or who ever you trust and except jump to your doctor obgyn or planned parent hood. hope that helps

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