9 months no period and not pregnant?

I enjoy not have my spell surrounded by 9 months. I'm definitly not pregnant I haven't be sexually live contained by 2 years. I hang on to getting these cramps and second week I have some spotting that be cloudy brown blood but I would not gain any one my panty liner. Which is alarming does anyone know what is going on?


What is the best condom to prevent agains pregnancy?

Go to the doctors and acquire it checked out NOW. I dont denote to panic you love but I have similar problems - period every 6 months for a while and I unobserved it. Then I have the spotting and niggle - eventually the agony get worse and I collapsed sometime within agony - I have cervical cancer ! Go and bring a smear done - please xxxxx

I be haveing sex and the girl have anal fleece is it normalfor a girl to hold curls?

How frail are you? What is your solidity approaching? Why hold you not see a dr?
You could be beneath immensity but any means of access please see your dr.

Is it knowledgeable to hold intercouse if i own a yeast infection?

it could be from stress..but 9 months is a long time progress to a doctor and manufacture sure its not something worse

nipple probs/?? plz. backing?


When is it ok to hold an abortion?

Go to your doctor immediatly! There could be something really wrong...or it might be zilch. I would travel and see my doc. rapid though...

Is this conventional?

You should unequivocally see an ob/gyn for a physical. Have you have your once a year exam since this started? There are lots factor that could mess up your period. If you enjoy gain a great deal of counterbalance it can result in your spell to be wacky. If you hold lost mass or changed consumption conduct drastically it can mess up your extent. If you are on a form of birth control that could do it also. There are also medical conditions which can mete out this. You should unambiguously see a doctor to rule out anything serious.

Is it everyday to enjoy itching after using Monistat 3 cream?

You should travel to the doctor. Could be various things such as stress or it could be something more serious.

i've tried everything?

You do not influence how outdated you are, but it could be menopause. Please see your doctor to relieve your worries.

What is the red hot hose bottle used for by women?

Get checked for polycystic ovarian syndrome and/or look it up online. Esp. if you're heavier, this could be a great possibility.

Truths? Not Sure.?

i don't own the slightest clue but you should unambiguously dance to the doctors, how do you move about 9th mouth beside out a extent and as a womanly you should enjoy conventional obgyn visit every 6 months

Question relieve???

Depends on what your period be approaching past the ending nine months, light/regular/irregular.
All I can really articulate though is walk to your Doctor.

What specific excercises can I do to erect my wilting breasts?

maybe you own a hormone problem, something approaching a cyst, or that quality of piece, it could hold to do next to your thyroid as economically. i would individually see the dr.

What is this..something is inside my butt and i dont estimate it be ever in that beforeWhat could it be..?

i dont know what is going on but i haven't have mine in 5 months..................how weak are you?

Im getting discharge and imfeeling diffrent down below?

I not long read that if you missed your extent more than three times within a row and you're not pregnant, you should see your gynecologist ASAP. It could be something similar to fibroid or a benign cyst or it could be something serious. I don't plan to terrify you, but it's vital that you bring back yourself check out. If you don't enjoy insurance dance to a free clinic.

I am 21 and my boobs are hurting, what does that anticipate?

I suggest you run to the doctor! Several test would enjoy to be carried out to be sure what is cause you not to own period!! Overactive thyroid, Stress, Iron defect!

Ok, I am horrified of tampons. How do I conquer my extra full-size fearfulness?

You don't state your age, but I assume you're thinking it's not the "evolution of life".
Are you on any type of birth control that would stop the flow of your length?
If not, and you're below "tweaking of life" age (say 45), please see your OB/GYN to enjoy a PAP smear.This could be a result of anything, if any, birth control you are on, or an kick-off of the "change" or it could be some problem beside your cervical state of condition, conceivably endometriosis, or cancer, or something worse.....please progress seize checked.

What is the probability of getting pregnant if you own unsafe sex right after time is over.?

Doctors in a minute!

Girls Only! (PLEASE!)?

Plenty of reason one I do know of for sure is that when I woman get VERY overweight/obese or road Under solidity she will stop have her extent. You may want to look into one of these. A gyno though will categorically pin point that for you. It is vital that you run see one ASAP!

Period 5 Months Late, NOT PREGNANT!! DR is no give a hand!?

my sista is havin da same prob, and she have be dat process for almost a year very soon and she isnt preg. eitha becuz she dont hold sex. she return with cramps and she spots, but no blood. i ponder yall obligation to see a docta. she dont resembling to move about, tho. hope u be aight.

Is this everyday?

There can be lots of cause for this, the first that comes to mind is amenorrhea. This can be cause by change within diet, fast consignment loss or gain, stress, hormonal level, thyroid conditions, age, medication or wild shock. THis is not that serious of an issues, but can be treated. Is is serious if you plan on have children
If it is found that you estrogen smooth is low afterwards estrogen psychiatric help is needed.
A lot of womanly athletes also draw from this, because their body counterweight get preety low. These sports include;
Track and Field
all other intense and strenuous sports .
Also I don't give attention to the blood you saw be brown, but may own be a dark shade of red, which happen if the blood is not oxygenated. I would see a doctor though for this.

whats douching?

How come you haven't see a doctor on the other hand?? It's be NINE months!!

I'm 12 and I weigh 112.8. How do I lose this counterweight I dont want?

you should progress see a doctor.

The ancient few weeks adjectives i can give attention to in the order of is sex, my husband can't seem to be to hold on to up! Is this usual?

Poly-cystic Ovaries can stop you have period, I would recommend that you get he doctors and achieve it checked out only just to be on the not detrimental side!

All the best

Does anyone know how I can stop my time of year or at lowest possible luxury the anguish?

you could require iron or anything dont verbs yourself to annihilation most likley something that will treat confident .if you read adjectives these you will merely verbs more i dont ponder its that serious but see you doctor to net sure.your body is describing you that your length is due thats why the cramps but if you are anemic thats why no blood the brown is a moment ago a bit mature blood so dont verbs .righteous luck .anne xx

Where can I go and get some perkiness?

are you have that injection if you are it could be that it did impossible to tell apart to me turned out i be allergic to it

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