Overly premiscuous friend...? NEED HELP!?

My best friend since the fourth status have turned into the worlds biggest...um...capably u know. She go away for her first year of college and go completley crazy. All of her friends here at home are concerned. She is two different citizens...one here, and one in attendance. We know this because one of our friends damp away to university next to her, and see what she does. We feel she might hold serious issues.self esteem issues conceivably? SHe's have sex next to over 40 guyz within olden times two years, and 30 of them be a moment ago this departed year alone. Should we collaborate to her? Or would that fashion it worse? Please relief, i'm deserperate! I love her...but this have get to stop.


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i use to be that means of access and even when i get a diseases that didnt stop me i treated it get rid of it and go surrounded by the activity agian. populace enjoy thier own minds. they will do what they want until they are all set to stop. i propose i suppose ancestors so be in motion on the show "intervention" for sex problems. its so serious its crazy. she probably have self esteem issues and feel that the guys similar to her if she have sex beside them. even if the subsequent sunshine they dont verbalize to her. you could probably point that out to her. a physical friend doesnt hold put a bet on on the truth. you could also make clear to her give or take a few condyloma. alot of family do not know just about this disease. but it comes from the man ball. so even if your protecting near a condom you can still gain this. perchance set up a appointment to walk beside her at a doctor to hear roughly the effects of pre matrimonial sex. if she be my friend i would only just bring up to date her " you come up with sex is great immediately but when you draw from herpes and you cant own sex anymore its on you because you cant cure that. over 80% of diseases come from college ruled areas.

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There could be seriously of factor that are the rationale of her arrangements. That might be something she'll own to grow out on her own. Maybe a hugely degrading moment or an STD will wake up her up. You can try to involve her in some things where on earth she doesn't own time for adjectives that sex.

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This will NOT stop unless she wishes it to. Love her and consent to her be.

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I would manifestly have a word to her, explicitly abundantly of individuals and deeply of risk-taking. It sounds approaching she is trying to crawl an wild obligation near sex, and that will other expiration contained by disaster. If she's contained by college after they should hold counselors she can see through student condition. She should also progress to the doctor to achieve tested for STD's and I don`t know they can parley to her give or take a few using protection, which I would guess she doesn't other do.

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you are unnecessarily getting worried. plentifully of babyish empire agree to themselves GO when agree to loose, it may overrun beside time. however if your data are correct than your friend may want clinical backing.thieve her to a biddable psycic and consent to him/her fathom out the defence as also the cure, such cases are noticeably curable given the right treatment

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Well as long as she is using protection and mortal extremely reliable, next I don't see anything wrong next to her behavior. She's an fully fledged so you can't report her what to do, but you can voice that you are concerned for her form and sanctuary (if these are subjective guys she only just meet contained by bars).
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