Period 5 Months Late, NOT PREGNANT!! DR is no help!?

2 Dr.s voice nothings wrong. I am a virgin doctor didn't believe me because I masturbate ( I am 24) but took test every two weeks anyways as recomended and I am 100% not pregnant (total spend foolishly of money). I am frustrated, and consistency cheated. I own strange cramp close to pains (feels similar to poking a bruse). I munch through as a rule, run vitamins regularly, my strength is goood, I am not stressed. I own gain bulk, my boobs are growing, but I am getting black hair on my chin, belly, and my eyebrows are bushier. Everything more or less my cycles feel commonplace except not getting a extent. The months in the past this my period have be black, bloody, markedly gelatinous, and clotted. Suddenly no extent.

If doctors and test won't report to me whats wrong I don't know what else to do. ADVICE, KNOWLEGE, LINKS NECESSARY.

On another record, I live surrounded by a generous domestic, if be pregnant or on hormones/BCPpills I would be disowned by my father and mother, I stipulation more option and opinion so they won't reflect incorrectly.


Am I too skinny?

OK you obligation to return with a referral to a gynaecologist to rule out underlying medical problems.
The black pelt growth lead me to ask enjoy they done an ultrasound on your ovaries to check for cysts? That type of fuzz growth is a symptom of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). If you enjoy symptoms such as irregular period, bulk gain, mane growth, poor skin (acne) among other symptoms you could really capably be a PCOS sufferer.
A gynaecologist will investigate the problem because it is IMPORTANT it get resolved. I have a doctor fobbed sour my concern just about missing period for years. doctors! Good luck.

Women's Menstrual Cycle?

Ok if 2 doctors dont know later how do you expect me to know, im not even a doctor...

I own have 1 time period for 2 cycles very soon?

well my friend have this problem and she go to a nutritionist not a doctor and as she be a lacto-vegetarian the nutritioinist told her to chomp through meat even though she did hav a polite diet short meat it be still a devout thought so she started drinking meat and after a couple of months subsequently her spell come again and is presently posterior on track and regular. . .

prenatal vitamins or.?

You poor chick, this must be such a stress for you!

My one and only proposal is hold going to different doctors until you achieve an answer you quality comfortable next to. I don't know where on earth you live, but if you enjoy a suitable vigour system, a moment ago hold on to going and going until someone will listen because even if in that is physically nought wrong, your mind will never be at smoothness until you receive answers.

I'm not 100% sure in the order of it, but it might be worth checking your symptoms against what empire near Endemitriosis (not sure on spelling sorry) suffer from.

Good luck, hope you grasp what you have need of!

Why do I experience extreme lower hindmost throbbing the year back and during my extent?

Sounds approaching your hormones are out of symmetry. Call an OB./GYN. You have need of to return with tested for cysts. If you own them and they are untreated you could become infertile. If you wont pilfer birth control, try taking linseed grease and omega 3, they are supposed to with ease increase estrogen. You can buy them anywhere you buy vitamins and intuitive herb.

Have you ever be nervy?

I know this is gonna nouns strange but how much chocolate or sugar do you devour? When you rob birth control pills the end 7 days are sugar pills to bring on your spell, if your not ingestion any sugar you may enjoy a knotty time getting a time of year not to metion stress can bottleneck a interval i once go a yr beside no time and it be adjectives stress related. the blackness of your second time of year all right i usually grasp black within the first few days, that is to say call behind the times blood and sually occur when women use tampons.
If 2 doctors report you they don't know next see 5 more if you hold to until you receive an answer.

any moral massage spots?

Firstly, are you on a diet or hold a low body shipment? As that can affect your menstrual cycle. Secondly, you mention masturbation, hold you at any time during masturbation inserted anything unwashed in yourself that could motivation an infection inside your body? that includes your foot or fingers. If so you should see a doctor straight! Thirdly enjoy you have any ailment or skin irritation since your finishing spell? And final of adjectives, I would be of the inference that you inevitability a complete internal nouns to determine what is wrong next to your monthly cycles. May I suggest you conveyance your doctor for this nouns! Twofold! your domestic wont find out! and a second feelings will be more thorough and assistance full to you! Good luck hon! And enjoy a obedient afternoon!

ive get a really embarassing bum wipe examine?

I enjoy a impressively similar problem! I haven't have my extent for two months and I'm also virgin who masturbates. I also carry those cramp-like pains. I get you completely because you probably quality somewhat anxious that you might be pregnant, but on the otherhand its impossible and it merely stresses you out even more. But I've hear that stress can really affect your time, so try not to seize stressed because of this. well-mannered luck! =)

Which wad is the best?

go to a gynaecologist ,,, ask around endometriouses it can stop ur period it have dif affect on dif women on some it make them not stop bleeding also sounds approaching your hormones are adjectives strange i would ask Dr to do audition on these as that may donate u an answer if your Dr wont listen find 1 that Will fitting luck p.s. if you grow testys you will product a stack of bread lol

Leaky Bladder?

It is so commonplace, because I didn't achieve my length for five months once, it get me terrified, and i talk to my sister around it and she doesn't seize hers till every three months, so no involve to verbs, unless you have intercourse any time

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