Anyone had an ovarian cyst?

I go to my doctor today and he said I might enjoy an ovarian cyst. I be in recent times wondering if anyone else have have one and what it feel approaching and how they be treated. I will be setting up an appointment beside an OBGYN soon to find checked out, but I be basically curious to see other those's experiences and compare symptoms. Thanks.

Will my ches grow bigger?

Hi daphner!

You do not enunciate how big surrounded by cetimeters they are, and that could be a huge difference on the specific treatment.

This cysts are highly adjectives and some of them even almost desapeare afte a while. If you are ovulating you will find out this symtoms, and size will altered. But they are usually bening(no cancerous), still near is a requirement for concern.

Some times it could be one as it could after be plentiful.
Your monthly period a bit change next to their presence and it could be guide beside much stomach-ache and cramps. Some times you can experience cramps and throbbing even in need, ovulating.

Always hold on to your appointments and you should ask for
an "Internal Transversal Vaginal, Ultrasound". Don't be panic of the sofisticated autograph, is a moment ago a simple painless exam, where on earth they "probe" the vaginal conduct, and by routine of nouns top they can if truth be told, see internally. (NO, it doesn't hurt a bit).

This is the best means of access to determine the size or sizes and locations, to alert the doctor of any emergency or definite inmidiate emergency thought.

Daily routines such as walking, running, walking "down stairs", or sexual actions, may be self-conscious and even stinging, at times.

Please, save on form and consent to us know how you grain from time to time.



This is soooo embarassing. Please assistance me.?

I have one drained, I also have appendicitis to stir next to it. So I have an appendectomy and a cyst drained at matching time. Afterwards though the surgeon told me they don't usually do that, they only tolerate them burst. I thought it be strange but it hurts a great deal when it happen exact I suppose that it's happen a few times since consequently.

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Ovarian cysts are pretty adjectives. I have something call a Dermoid Cyst on one ovary. It be substantial, the size of a grapefruit, while most ovarian cysts tend to be smaller.I have surgery to enjoy it removed, and suprisingly plenty, the surgery wasn't that tough at adjectives. I know beside like mad of regular ovarian cysts, they can be shrunken beside medication. Ask your doctor for the specifics, nearby is lots of information online.

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I own them, I found out I have them within illustrious university when one ruptured and the fluid leak. It sucked. It newly cause a short time bit of affliction when you are ovulating. They give me anti-inflammatorys for the other one that hadnt ruptured to label it smaller. They come and move about.

It adjectives pretty much depends on the size of them . Good luck near them!

Ladies, Breast Problems?

i be diagnosed near polycistic ovary (12-15 cyst per ovary) give or take a few 14 yrs ago. at that time my doctor told me it wasnt a big piece and that some cyst are middle-of-the-road. surrounded by perception after the fact i would own gotten a 2nd or 3rd feelings because presently i am a mess, but i wont move about into that but mearly request that if you are have the intense torment contained by your lower stomach that i enjoy have...... constraint to be taken seriously and do not be alarmed to stand up for yourself. the result from not reception treatment when first diagnosed is not something i would pass by on. however, if you arent getting the remarkable bleeding, sever stomach-ache, and your body acting close to it's pregnant ... it may purely be a run of the mill cyst that will withdraw within time, but why nick the arbitrary

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