Certain dri...?

okay... so i merely bought it and i usually lift a shower at dark and it say to not use immediatly after showering. can i still put it on close to partially hour after i took a shower and next a moment ago clean up my underarms sour surrounded by the morning? and if i shave in the morning will it stop it from working or can i still shave in the morning?

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no it will not stop it from working i own be using that for over 2 years and it works awesome. I too bring a shower at dark and i only just put it on right in the past i be in motion to bed. If you only just shaved it might burn for a couple second but its ok. if the read the box it sais that you are supposed to put on at hours of darkness and if you shave contained by the morning it will still be fine. It does not work as ably at adjectives if you put it on contained by the morning it is expected to work over darkness, trust me i hold used it if this is confusing freshly email me at [email protected]

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My righteousness. Just hang around till tomorrow to be protected.

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i only just lately bought this stuff to, and i embezzle my showers at hours of darkness also. it STINGS really discouraging if you use it anytime that hours of darkness after shaving. i tried using it in the morning and i dont deem it worked as okay.

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It should be fine, it a short time ago stings for a moment if you put it on right after you shave. Shaving in the morning won't do anything, any!

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