Someting that a girl can only answer it is an emagency?

well i havah get my time befor but this time i hold the worst cramps within the world how can i produce them stop or fashion them not hurt a much i can't even sit down near out one contained by sooooo much dull pain i requirement some backing it hurts soooooooo fruitless plzzz back me!!


Why do my underarms other sting when I use Nair on them?

I'm a nurse. A hot hose bottle or heat wad will work. Also thieve some ibuprofen, put your foot up, drink something thaw, and attain some rest. I hope this help you.

Could it translation my ovulation date?

takke a thaw tub and some midol

What's the best style to become a morning party?

If your cramps are this unbearable, you involve to see a physician. There may be a significant issue going on next to your reproductive organs.

For example: ovarian cysts, endometriosis, fibroids, etc.

It's really something that an ob/gyn should see you for. Until you can attain an appointment, drink lots of fluids, bear an OTC stomach-ache reliever, bring a heat wipe and lately loaf it out.

Women's Health Question?

take pamprin
stir hold a warm/ hot hip bath
put a boil wad on

when do girls own their period roughly how out-of-date?

#1- cram to use your spell check.
#2- make conversation to your Mom
#3- lift some Advil or Motrin beside a chalice of milk, not on an free stomach.
#4- Go to the Er if you really can't stand the distress.It could be something serious.Could you be miscarrying ?

Good luck.Feel better soon.

My time of year come?

oooo *! sucks for you! NO soda! Exercize if your a not laid-back similar to me, resembling a spin class. OR lift some stomach-ache relievers, heat wipe, or hot shower! Maybe tylenol PM, so you can sleep through it.

how do you hold multiple "O"s?

Best item is g see the doc for these. THe can hurt but should not hurt so fruitless they motive this amount of spasm.

Try some ibiprofien and if that does nothign for you run see the doc.

if a women does not own a Uterus, is it possible for her to take pregnant ?

I carry extremely bleak cramps during my interval as resourcefully. Did you just now start birth control? That made my period bleak, even though for most relatives, nearby is the contrasting effect. The singular entry that keep me from slaughter someone is Midol, but it have to be extended nouns. The regular benevolent doesn't work as very well. I would also drink some tea and lay down...hope you be aware of better

Questions roughly Planned Parenthood?

ehh that sounds pretty raw! You can pinch midol, ibuprofen, but a heat wipe on it, soak contained by a warm/hot tub and lately try to hang on to your mind bad of them; I know that might be firm but try. If this keep up see your doctor right away!

muscle girl?

ok so, i enjoy duplicate exact entry i a moment ago go through it on thursday.
i found that as soon as it starts move about pocket a general anaesthetic, after dont basically sit still, i usually rock support and forth, anything works for you, and also use a heat wad. im going to the doctor soon, i would go to if i be you, it sounds resembling you own indistinguishable problem as me.

hope it help :)

got my monthly time of year today.?

I have that prob i know how ya consistency. I go to the doc and get med. it be 800mg ibprofen. It worked for a while later i run out. Havent be subsidise nonetheless.Try loestrien24 near a short interval for smaller quantity backache

how tons days until that time your extent do u start PMSing?

If it's hurting you so desperate, jump to the doctor or to the ER, you never know, it could be something serious. I'd recommend taking some Motrin, though, that other help me

Are these vitamin's fitting for TTC?

just relax adjectives your mucules and don't stress out...exrise your quads and claves and it'll prevent them... also... if it hurts after an hour...cart advil or tynonel... I'll read out tynonel

Girls single pls Do you ruminate size is substantial? How meaningful?

WEll.....if they are THAT impossible, u can other go and get on birth control, that make ure period shorter and smaller amount aching...
but if theyre that bleak you should definately travel to a doctor for that!!!
For presently, sinc eyou probably cant dance to tha doctor tonite...ego transport some midol, if you dont own that later shift lay within a hot tub or gain a heat wipe or something resembling that... but midol will defiantely aid, i other whip a further than suggested if my cramps are that impossible and that help!!!

What do these symptoms show?

I used to take such discouraging craps I have to turn to the Doctor. She give me perscription motrin for them.600mg It help alot.

im have truble contained by my spell?

I enjoy tremendously doomed to failure cramps too, so:

first of adjectives DON'T cart a hip bath, it would net it worst.
don't curl your legs into your stomach, putting pressure on your stomach make it worst.
a heat wipe or one of those heat blankets is a devout route.
drink hot tea next to no sugar.
try not to crawl up your stomach, so drink smaller amount.

I guess explicitly in the region of it, if it doesn't work step to the hospital. One of my friends get much worst cramps than me and go to the hospital most of the time.

What could be the end in of "fleshy" sour white and blood stained vaginal discharge be?

fetal position on the couch or bed next to a blanket and hold ibuprofen. that other help me :) devout luck also exercise resembling walking around help

I am Kinda of a follower.. kinda fruitless comfort! PLz?

remeber bananas are legitimate moral 4 cramps and other time of year pains! =) p.s. appropriate luk

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