I'm only 25 and my hair is falling out! I have PCOS that is known to cause balding, but I don't know for

sure the exact impose of my balding. Does anyone out here enjoy any thinking what the best treatments are for me?

Girls what something like that ring as birth controle?

I enjoy polycystic ovaries (PCOS), too and am taking Metformin (usually it's prescribed for blood sugar problems, my sugar's normal) to help out next to the symtoms such as thinning fuzz, irregular period, glorious cholestorel, among others, I've be on it for around 3 months immediately and so far it's helping a great deal, my tresses isn't falling out in the vicinity as much and my period are mostly regular, I have to start taking Lipitor to draw from my cholesterol down though. Talk to your gyn/doctor nearly it, they should know how to prescribe something to sustain near the symtoms.

Ladies - If you don't wear a bra does it hurt?

My fuzz is also falling out and I'm 24! What is PCOS? If you integer out how to gather you quill permit me know!

Need your support!?

If its genetic, here is not much you can do. Otherwise examine your diet. Stay away from high-ranking sodium food, drink more dampen. Also your shampoo choice is crucial here. Try to look for Non chemical products ie, life shampoo

Tampon interrogate?

Hello, yes I also be diagnosed next to pcos and hold alopeccia areata I lose my pelt for a few months and it consequently grows put money on on its own. If you own bold patch on your scalp that's what it is. To stop the baldness I get cortisone shots on my scalp, that help rather. or you can purchase rogaine for men, put it on your shaved spots( it help but boy does it breed you dizzy) Go to your book store and bring books that operate beside pcos, their incredibly willing to help. Are you on any medication for pcos? If not ask your doctor roughly Metformin ( I be on it) , it's a diabetic drug that shrinks them(cysts) and you'll ovulate. Don't set out them untreated , my friend can't enjoy children in a minute. Good luck!

how come when im on my spell..?

i would approaching to no that answer as powerfully im 31 and hold pcos and my haire is falling out 2
i guees own your overes takein out

HELP!! (Women ONLY)!!?

It could be Alopecia... I enjoy it I own Alopecia Areata and my coat comes out when stressed, or that time of the month and when it grows vertebrae it is very soon gray. Check next to a Dermatologist ask if it could be Alopecia, in attendance are 3 types and here is a interconnect for you to move about to www.naaf.org or of late use a survey engine to look it up.

I preserve have issues near bleeding when i'm on top and he is in the sitting position, what is the inflict?

Ensure that you devour nutritious food, next to plenty of leafy vegetables. Have a soya milk drink and multivitamin tablets if you do not own time to enjoy a wholesome breakfast.Apply the white of a fresh egg on the quill for 30 minutes, and afterwards hose it past its sell-by date near a shampoo. More remedies at http://hairthinning.org/ will prevent further problems.

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