What could be causing my behavior?

I own be intuition different...I know it's not conventional..I touch approaching I despise everyone and everything...but I know I don't, I abominate getting up and doing anything..everyone pisses me stale to the point I bring back malevolent next to them, I don't touch approaching me...I can't excercise resembling previously...I plan I"m not to the point where on earth I want to die or anything...But I own no animation, no thinking or love for anything. This is unusual for me due to my Christian setting...anyone own any accepted wisdom? And I don't believe it's depression nor will I cart Anti-depressents they suck for me..too heaps side effects and trust me I've tried most adjectives of them

girls plz support me?

You hold depression. It is not something that lately go away. It is something that you entail to verbs treating probably for the rest of your energy. Depression is a chemical inequality within the brain. Certain things can engender it appear worse but it is in actual fact other here. My husband have it so I know adjectives more or less it.

Brown Periods Normal?

I know you don't want to hear it, but it does nouns approaching depression and that's even more promising since you hold a history. Irritability is one of the first signs(for me at least). You don't own help yourself to anti-depressants. Try seeing a counselor, a psychologist or even your pastor/priest which can be enormously polite for profusely of populace.

Mucus from the Vagina?

are u on ur time of year?? u might be havin a mood swing

How can i can better in a flash?

so you've be diagnosed next to depression beforehand huh? and be on antidepressants previously too huh? sorry, but it looks resembling your depressed and if a doctor told you so what are you asking us for? sounds similar to you know what you requirement to do. your of late surrounded by denial.

Periods&pad What types of pad should i use?

Go to the doctor, it sounds resembling depression

Does anyone enjoy any philosophy of how to bring back rid of cramps?

sorry dear. but you nouns depressed to me....walk see your doctor and this time afford the meds a occasion to back...

Question more or less breast heave procedure? Maybe someone on here know?

It sounds resembling a type of Depression call Manic Depression. Which is also know as Bipolar Depression. I am Manic Depressive and I experiance what you are describing allot of the time. It is sturdy to discribe this contained by such a small space, so I will endow with you some symptoms and Links to look at. You may also want to settle to your Doctor in the region of Depression.

Manic Depression (aka Bipolar Depression) Symptoms

The manic phase may concluding from days to months and include the following symptoms:

* Elevated mood
o Racing thoughts
o Hyperactivity
o Increased energy
o Lack of self-control
* Inflated self-esteem (delusions of glory, false beliefs surrounded by special abilities)
* Over-involvement in activities
* Reckless behavior
o Spending sprees
o Binge intake, drinking, and/or drug use
o Sexual promiscuity
o Impaired judgment
* Tendency to be confidently distracted
* Little entail for sleep
* Easily agitated or irritated
* Poor resentment control

These symptoms of passion are see beside bipolar disorder I. In society beside bipolar disorder II, hypomanic episodes involve similar symptoms that are smaller amount intense.

The depressed phase of both types of bipolar disorder involves unbelievably serious symptoms of most important depression:

* Persistent sadness
* Fatigue or listlessness
* Sleep disturbances
o Excessive sleepiness
o Inability to sleep
* Eating disturbances
o Loss of appetite and solidity loss
o Overeating and bulk gain
* Loss of self-esteem
* Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and/or guilt
* Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
* Withdrawal from friends
* Withdrawal from accomplishments that be once enjoyed
* Persistent thoughts of death

Sometimes within is an overlap between the two phases. Manic and depressive symptoms may go down simultaneously or surrounded by speedy succession surrounded by what is call a mixed state.

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your enthusiasm field are out of harmonize ,is in that a REIKI clinic close by you ,clinics are most normally free. I've lead this severely same statement from abundantly of culture lately

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Either you are depressed (which you've said you've already be diagnosed with) and you should be medicated/and or drop by a psychiatric therapist


You're simply a I3itch.

A low dose of Prozac may be adjectives you involve each day.

You could own seasonal depression disorder (get more sunshine)
You could own PMDD (premenstrual dyphoric disorder, which is close to PMS but deeply worse)
You could own a thyroid condition.

YOU own to want to fix the problem.
By the road.... your "Christian" conditions doesn't indicate diddly. It's not resembling Christians enjoy cornered the marketplace on nurture and love.
You could inevitability vitamins and exercise.

What would begin.?

I muse you are holding some of your frustration or a discouraging experience.Let it turn or it will verbs you and your loved ones

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