I got a cut on my vagina right by my pee hole, and it has been 1 week and it wont heal - any tips?


weight..is this majority?

I assume you are conversation a blade cut.
Go to the kid products within the grocery store.
Buy Desitin. It is a white cream specifically impermeable.
Put it on the cut, it will assistance the skin grow backbone and protect the skin from the acids of your pee.

Works powerfully when you own cuts and burns anywhere on your body and the parts that are injured, take showery or sour discharges attain on them, cause burning and stomach-ache. Think Preparation H.

Please be more cautious. Perfection should be treated next to respect.

Does tuna affect my private parts?

See a Doctor

Doctor refuse to prescribe Valtrex - immensely immoral!?

How'd you seize a cut here the first place? Go to the doc.

Surgery, diagnostic laparoscopy to look inside my tummy.?


WHY is here a cut on your vagina? What exactly enjoy you be doing? Gawd...hurtful!

will loosing 10 pounds affect my breast size?

I don't know ..but.. I will kiss it and engender us both surface better!...lolol

I've get a murky coloured discharge between my period - what is it? is it harmful?

go to your gynecologist

If me and my boyfriend have sex on august 1 and im supposed to procure my time of year on august 5 ?

you could be using some neosporen or antibotic cream, that will alleviate the cut faster. you arent uplifting so hasty down at hand because you wont form a blotch because of the moisture.... and dont verbs roughly speaking the spot it's surrounded by, urine is sterile merely craft sure that you are blottting instead od wipe complicated so that you dont irritate the soar more. virtuous luck

Single Women and Sterilization?

How'd that come up? Where you trying to masturbate near a wound or a couple of scissors or something?

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