GIRLZ ONLY pleez!?

is there anyway to gross your period shorter,lighter or both?and not use birthpils because I'm solitary 14.No rude answers thanx!

Answers:    no there isn't a path i no of. im with you adjectives the way. but if you find out i would want to know!!
report to your mom about y u involve b/c she might understand If you exercise greatly, it will be shorter than a regular cycle (3 to 4 days in comparison to 7 or 8).
god i yearning! i'm about duplicate age and i HATE it when i get my time of year! You could always check beside your doctor, but i'm pretty sure the only entry that does that is birth control and your much to young-looking for that! well i would resembling to say yes, but in attendance isnt. the only point you can do is go on birth control. it can minister to regualte your period.
OMG! I desire! serously I haven't heard of anything similar to that. That would be soooo nice! to make it shorter i dunno because i enjoy the same problem, mines concluding at least 7 days but to trade name it lighter, drink alot of water trust me it'll come oil lamp. also, my doctor said if you get veggies or iron pills it'll come lighter and shorter but i never give it a try.

There are so many factor that contribute to the legnth and heaviness of your term. The most common approach to control this and change your inherent cycle is through using contraception (ie birth control pills, IUCDs, Implanon/implants etc); however, at the age of fourteen, unless your periods are expressly long, heavy and/or sore then I would not recommend anything more than to catch used to your body's natural cycle and live next to it. I'm a guy, sorry. But I have hear such a drug advertised on tv surrounded by the last few months. Try asking your gynocologist.
i used birth control when i be only 13
but thats lead to mine was irregular.
repugnance to break it to you, but if your period is weighty
thats just how your body is.
i guess swot up to deal.
rite yes i am 14 aswell and i hold a similar problem so listen up: okay i have really doomed to failure periods which are really cloying, painfull and last around 8-9 days!
so i go to the doctors and i got prescribed near these tablets (mefenemic acid) they are great, they make ur period lighter and a bit shorter plus they are fantastic pain killer, seriously give it a try. i dont know how i would survive short them! hope i've helped! ;) in good health try talking to ur mom going on for taking birth control and tell her it is for spell reasons but my friend take birth control for bad migranes she other get so surrounded by the end they other help u any way explain that to ur mom and look up other reason why birthcontrol is good apart from sex but anyway drink lots nad lots of wet and relax ur self
I walk abundantly or jog. I do something to maintain active. It usually reduce cramps/ period time.

My "time" is no longer than 3-4 days when i way of walking everyday for about 30 min. It usually help the cramps and how long you have your "time"

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