Surgery, diagnostic laparoscopy to look inside my abdomen.?

Anyone contemplation to share their experiences beside this?

My Gyn is going to look inside my belly, and said their could be some endometriosis that she would 'zap', or burn. Could be some defacement tissue or an ovary 'stuck down'.
She said the ultrasound be ordinary, but on cavernous exam it be vastly tight. Sex is tight sometimes, wide inside.

I've never have prior womanly problems, nor any surgeries. Perhaps can enjoy it anyway?

I enjoy regular, neutral period. I thought endometriosis cause profusely of bleeding and uncomfortable period.

I also enjoy SIJD, sacro iliac dysfunction which messes up the muscles within your low wager on, and torso. It could be that also.

What can I expect afterwards? Is the salvage extent hurried, or does it depend on what she does inside? She said a week, others vote much quicker.

I may be staying by myself the hours of darkness of surgery. Did anyone hold serious satisfactory concerns to support I not do that?
They voice the gas agony is pretty doomed to failure from inflating the belly; true?


how are you suppose to know if your pregnant?how ofter should u check to see if you are?

I've have the laproscopic surgery TWICE. It is natural to rest from No TRUE issues (of Course unless they find something.) Minimal within the belly button and one within the pubic chain. In and out within in the future. I be vertebrae at my desk chore surrounded by three days....oil lamp duty simply obviously.

What does it penny-pinching to enjoy perky boobs?

I have it done a few years ago and it wasn't that desperate for me. The dull pain one and only last a couple of days and wasn't as desperate as the aching I have up to that time I have it done. It wasn't horrific stomach-ache, I purely feel really sore. Good luck!

For girls with the sole purpose!?

I have a laparoscopy done 3 years ago. It be painless for me. I own a hyatal hernia. I have no niggle from inflating my stomach. It depends on your system how long it take to get better. I be better after a couple of hours.

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