Women merely please, serious answers too!!?

lately i have thought i have a yeast infection due to the itch. but now it a short time ago really hurts. i took a mirror to see what might be hurting and i noticed some red strips of coarse flesh inside my labia. it hurts. i dont think its from scratch because i dont really scratch it at adjectives. i am taking things for a yeast infection but it isnt really helping. what could it be and should i put neosporin on it?

i dont have time to run to the dr till the week after next.

Is it everyday for urine to smell?what is your urine suppose to smell like?

PLZ dont put neosporin on it. Dont put anything down within except for yeast infection cream or powder. Try some baby powder. Make sure you are cleaning down at hand really good. Ill also utter those little wipes will prolly receive it worse.

I would suggest keeping it dry as possible down there and possibly use some baby powder.

Good luck

Food cravings & awareness horny before and during extent?

Well you had better engender time because it sounds serious.

Question only for girls.?

I would utter make time, dance to the emergancy room at 2 in the morning if you own to, that sounds serious. If you haev time to ask on womenanswers.org, you should be able to variety time for your health.

Pregnancy counterweight? anyone else battle this?

could you be allergic to the yeast medication?
oops i saw this is for women individual sorry.

um, this might help- it's a forum of women, heres a quote-
"Oceans3 - I only did the Monistat 1 morning treatment with "egg shaped" ovule, one time solely on 8/2 [after midnight so I guess it could be considered 8/3]. I also took Diflucan 3 times [150mg on 8/1, 200mg 8/3 and another 200mg today 8/7]. I know what you mean more or less it burning your lips. That is what it seem to have done to me. It looks approaching the top layer be just eat away [sorry]. The white film that is to say left losing now is improving but the more I look at it the more disturbing it is. I swear I never thought I would be investigating that area! I use Aveeno toddler soap on my whole body so I don't use any raucous soaps and I don't douche. I read on the internet that Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with wet [homemade douche] was a dutiful natural passageway to cure yeast infections. Have you ever heard anything on that one? With my first yeast infection a few months rear legs the doctor gave me a prescription for the 7 hours of daylight cream Terazole. That didn't bother me at all. Even the cream that come with the Monistat 1 hours of daylight combo pack for the outside seemed to irritate me when I put it on. I with the sole purpose put that on the first night and later threw it away because of the misery I was within that next morning. The stuff inside seem like it be stuck up there approaching glue. Sex is the ending thing on my mind right presently :) Thank you for your post I truly appreciate it!"

Shaving my bikini line?

I suppose you should make time for the dr's. Its sounds somewhat serious and you shouldn't let it shift. I don't think neosporin would hurt, its worth a try for the meantime.

I entail Some help out here?

Get to your gyno. You probably own a severe yeast infection...and it can cause closely of pain and injure if left untreated. DO NOT put on anything besides monistat until you gain to the doc. You'll need oral antibiotics to combat the germs.

Hope you get ably.

Ok so my period..?

I don't believe neosporin is intended for application in that nouns. No you should see a doctor, perhaps stop the treatment your on, or at least possible call your doctor to see if you should stop it. Maybe your have an allergy to the medication. This can happen even if you've used something back.
I'm not sure whats going on, but you really need to be looked at.

Can I step to the Health Department?

If you have be exposed to unsafe sex, this sounds like herpes complex.

Herpes is develops inwardly three days of exposure, but sometimes the first outbrake does not appear strong, it can just be contained by a form of a mosquito bite if this is the case you may be have a second outbrake. Anyhow, if you know that none of what i mentioned is possible, This could be an allergic reaction to soap, but the form of the artificial area, does nouns like a herpes outbreak.

I hope is not. You want to get to a dr as soon as possible.

Good luck!

What are the effects of alcohol during your menstrual cycle?

This may not be yeast for adjectives you know.
Get a Urine RE & Microscopic Exam done to rule out UTI
& Diabetes.
Till you find time to see a doctor , apply Ointment Soframycin twice daily after cleaning the chunk with verbs water.
Avoid sex if it hurts.

Every bra hurts my subsidise need suggestions?

my wifes best friend have this problem. It was gonorrhea.
Her husband be cheating on her.
maybe you should find a means of access to sneak off to the doctor. Lot of problems down at hand that 'itch' can ruin your innards, usually itching is the first sign OF a problem.
Although it can also be something benign, but wouldn't you rather know and be risk-free? and if it is an STD of some sort, wouldn't you rather know that too? =/ She thought in that was no track in he11 it could be something similar to that and...

I haven't had my interval in a month and a partly. Could there be something wrong? I'm drastically much worried

yes this is a yeast problem.if you dont have time to shift to the doctor go to the drug store and buy monistat cream and apply it to your vagina.Eat more yogurt.This help to keep the yeast problems away.

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