My friend is have sex.?

ok. so were both 15 and my friend is like really into this guy so they started have sex. she has been next to him for a couple of months and i just really think that it is a desperate idea. i really dislike him but i don't want to hurt her feelings by relating her my opinion. i think she is also have unprotected sex...what should i do???

Answers:    Simply talk to her. Unprotected sex is not a good impression, especially for a 15 year old girl who has be dating a guy for a few months. Is she not worried about pregnancy or most importantly STDs? .
Maybe you can let her know that she is too infantile to be so active with sex. Not knowing abundantly of the ins and outs can cause a lot of trouble contained by her future. A lot of young boys don't know how to be not detrimental or clean while trying to have sex. They construe that they know more than they do. There is plenty of time later to get involved surrounded by sex. It's far more serious than young people realize. Concentrate on getting a fitting education; especially in vigour. There is much to learn that will help surrounded by everyday living. Sometimes we have to learn the firm way and pay a big price that isn't worth it. Hmm..

Just describe her the causes of having unprotected sex at a young-looking age and maybe she'll back stale ?
Otherwise, just leave her to attain on with it.

Theres not much you can do sorry love. But I did attach 3 links which have some facts you might want to show your friend.

Good Luck

x (:
any talk to her, or talk to your mom, you'll be doing the right entry..:(, good luck , it's dangerous for her to be have unprotected sex at 15! its her fault if she ends up prego or with an std that she cant bring back rid of 4 life n then give it 2 other ppl or even her kids. :( but confront her!.
Just be her friend and make for sure she knows that protection is best for her and her partner. simply talk to her about it
inform her youre concerned for her
dont force any opinion on her though.
mind your own business let her do wat she want,u purely start having sex wiyh me iam ready Mind your own business..
i'd support you to not say anything about it unless she comes to you first

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