Whos against smoking and who with it?

ive simply quit smoking and save relatively abit its be graceful as i never get cravings i havent have one 4 months immediately and fingers crossed i maintain it that way

OK here go I come up to approaching wearing women panties I also use pad some time I use tampons once I a while?

Could nearby ever be someone who be FOR smoking?

I'm a smoker, I antipathy smoking beside a zeal, but alas I am surrounded by the 10% for whom Easyway have not worked, even so anyway, I've tried the book, the software and clinics are subsequent – so fingers crossed for me, because I don't want to smoke but I sure as hell don't want the hell of will power methods or overpriced gimmick approaching patch or gum.

I am a HUGE supporter of the Easyway university of thought and as such I detest the anti-smoking attitude that keep getting stronger gratitude to propaganda (anti-smoking advert that generate smokers out to be stupid, fairly than victims of an addiction that stipulation assist, those advert do zilch but generate out smokers are wrong-doers), removing smoker's rights to form keeping (the attitude of the NHS of 'we won't minister to you quit, but if you don't quit we'll consent to you die from cancer') or that smokers choice to smoke is not respected (as long as they are not hurting others, bare contained by mind it is an addiction so logic not strong).

Congrats on doing so resourcefully - newly remember quitting smoking is NOT difficult!! What is difficult is de-programming the belief that smoking have to be difficult. Good luck

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Im a non smoker but smokers dont bother me...congratulations,you are doing powerfully.

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Well done you!!Im trying at the moment,Its plentifully harder than i thought but im genna struggle through this time and trade name sure i do it!! x

CONFUSED please give a hand?

cigarettes are evil.

Ummm I want for a while direction?

Smoking is, in my view, a foul practice. The cigarrette smoke is freshly inimical in every track to one's condition. On the other appendage, I can't comfort but perceive sorry for the smokers who can't smoke contained by pubs n stuff... seem a bit excessive. I believe it would be better to enjoy properly partioned bad areas for smoking and non-smoking.

I still haven't gotten my time of year and i'm fifteen?

Good for you. I quit years ago and never looked rear legs. This country should do equal. What is the point in dying of a smoke related infection when it could be prevented.

Remember that smoking is the number one hired gun of humans contained by this mud.

ok i never gotten my length beforehand but i hold be opinion pretty funny i ruminate my first length is comeing!!

I give up smoking 1 year ago my husband still smokes it doesn`t verbs me other general public smoking but i don't close to walking into cafe`s restaurants where on earth general public smoke or dirty ashtrays they stink

Vaginal prob? Im upset..?

i am a smoker myself. i enjoy tryed giving up but its so complex more so because ive be smokming for years.i enjoy brought some smokers gum so im goin to make a contribution that ago!! smoking will other be its how the goverment cause within money its a huge contrdiction by the goverment!!!!!!!!
p.s how long have you smoked for?? and virtuous luck!!

Where can I find some Kotex BodyFit pad? I hold looked within Walmart, Target and Kmart but they adjectives don't own a

I smoke but would do anything to stop. I regard in attendance should be smoking/non-smoking areas whether I smoke or not.

Stretch Marks?

well done for quiting dont donate up giving up

Can Plan B inflict a belatedly extent?

I'm a nonsmoker..I cant be around any one who does...If I am I cant breath..So I hold to stay away from smokers

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I smoke. But I deem I'm beside the no smoking ruling out it'll probly support me hand over up the worst mannerism ever!and liberate me an TRUE fortune!

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I'm against smoking. i don't see why society smoke when it's unpromising for your robustness. it cause so abundant things. cancer is one of them. some populace started really infantile and i can see beside them. but others try it for fun and later they can't stop. if second appendage smoking kill so heaps society can you conjure up the actual family who are smoking. god. they inevitability to stop. it's slaughter them and breaking their family apart. so copious ethnic group die every year from second foot smoking and smoking. i don't construe why they do it when within the completion adjectives it does is hurt them and their family.

how much does it hurt?

i smoke, i preference i didn't though, i'm trying everything to stop, my parents are buying me patch etc...

breast bud info!?

i can't stand mortal around smokers. Good for you to quit. Keep it up and you'll see more positive sites of it.

Question for anyone who's ever be on Depo-Provera?

i am a non smoker and plan to never smoke but i am not the loving of personality to jump up to culture and give an account them to stop smoking because it will annihilate them lol...partially of my friends smoke and i hold never care, my philosophy is: its their time and im their friend...they are infirm plenty to formulate their own deciosions as long as they are not pushing them onto me....i consent to them smoke around me and i dont charge...i get so used to my brother smoking in high-ranking arts school around me that it doesnt bother me anymore.

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I'm against smoking. They speak the worst non smokers are those who once smoked... yes... I once smoked and quit 3 years ago, when i committed myself totally to exercise and individual on form (10k, partly marathons, marathons and triathlons since then), and immediately i can't get the drift how i be so stupid to hurt myself contained by that agency... smoking is massacre yourself surrounded by the worst and slower process of torture ever existed.

Never move about posterior to it, shift ahead and do some exercise, you'll touch great and hopefull sooner or later you'll enunciate... "how be I so stupid?"


are constant cramps surrounded by a girls stomach signs of preg.?

I hold be a smoker since the age of 11. I am in a minute 24.
I want to quit but the cravings are basically too much. I do know that once we buy a house, we will not smoke at adjectives contained by it, so that may lend a hand.

Good luck to you! Congrats!

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Against it... newly can't stand to be around it as it seem to suffocate me and I struggle to breath.. I also revulsion the ignorance that seem to surround plentiful smokers... the conception that if they're fine beside it afterwards everyone else should be.. pure arrogance... make me detestation smoking even more :)

P.S.. Congratulations on giving up :)

What age do girls stop devolping?

I'm DEFINATELY against!!!

My term?

I can't stand smoking someone exceptionally close to me have merely spent four days contained by hospital and my dad have a smoking related cancer so i am amazingly outstandingly against it in attendance is nought apposite give or take a few so really okay done for quitting earlier you get under the weather.

Question in the region of breast cancer, and checking for it?

I hold also give up cigs since september ending year. I still own to force myself to hold going. I go to the shops everyday to buy a packet but come out in need them. I am not against smoking as my friends smoke, but when they come to drop by they smell and to be precise what keep me going as I smelt resembling that not long ago

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i am 38 smoked since i be 12 i give up smoking during pregnancy but started again respectively time i know it is massacre me but we are not outcast we should be treated to impossible to tell apart freedom of choice that non smokers enjoy . but i do twig that none smokers don't similar to it it is smelly get on on nearby chests but to ostracise use from pubs and clubs it bust i can read between the lines not smoking be nation are ingestion as explicitly not nice the gov is going to be paid population stay at home and drink an the country will loss loads of revenue be are they going to acquire it from later EVERYONE'S import tax will shift up so we are if truth be told doing you none smokers a choose don't ruling out us supply us separate bar you adjectives want it your track we hold human rights to.

Girls backing?

just consider that you own given it up, full stop. If offered you speak no thank you, I don't smoke...I remember when I said that for the first time, it really put an stop to the adjectives issue. I stopped for the best possible foundation, I be expecting my son...at hand's purely no excuse, one entity is your own body, but how can you possibly devastate your own child? I be a starchy smoker, 35 a year but it wasn't that difficult for me any, it's a press of priority.

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