What are your experiences of using The Pill? Do you recommend it?


Is this adjectives? ( women only)?

when i be on the pill it be fine at first but after a few weeks i started to bring back headache and stomachache but its different near every individual. i have to put a reminder on my mobile because i would forget when to nick it. i would recommend it because i never fell pregnant whilst on the pill and it may not cause u any symptoms such as headache and so on. i would voice newly provide it a try.

what could end in a touch spotting after sex?

It didn't work okay for me because i kept forgetting to run it.
Consider the depo injection, you enjoy the injection every 3 months and thats it, plus no period at adjectives. It's great

How do u know?

They come across to work fine but she be dreadful at remembering to pilfer them. Ended up have to flick them down her collar. Her period be shorter other in good time and never moody. She's not on the pill anymore we own two children but boy is she a moody cow!

What are the signs of starting your period,,,,,,,,,?

i be fine near mine for years - next i have to variation to a exotic one - on the plus side it stopped my period completely - on the unenthusiastic side i put on a stone contained by counterweight inside 6 weeks

How can i acquire my boobs bigger lacking surgery or pills?

Some apposite, close to shorter period some own said, acne free...some unpromising approaching more irregular period, mass gain. Depends on the pill

Whats more exalted whiter teeth or smaller stomach to you?

You involve to product sure you are on a brand that agrees beside you - I be on Micro something 30 to start next to, and it give me a monster 28 time - not pleasant!
Once you've found the one that agrees best next to you though, it is unbelievably convenient, since you know exactly when you will be on/off and they're much lighter too. It can also do perfect things for your skin etc.
However, I come rotten mine in due course because it be getting bleak migraines, and they be also making me depressed.
I judge as long as you are hard-working to lug them properly, you will find more flawless points than discouraging. Good luck!

I'm have laparotomy w/uterine myomectomy surgery to remove a generous fibroid. I'm 27 w/can I expect?

I use it and love it...so yes I recommend it

Do you have a sneaking suspicion that that abortion should be allowed?


so long as:

you are below 35
you do not smoke
you are not exposed to excessive worn smoke
at hand is NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER that you could be preg
you are not lactating
in that is no history of breast-cancer within your clan

On Ortho tri cyclen lo, skipped sugar pills, started a fresh pack to prevent time this month,own spotting?

I used the pill for eleven years (a low dose one) next to no problems. However, when I be thirty-six I have a thrombosis and this be given as the basic lead to. I would recommend have a blood question paper to formulate sure you do not enjoy Leiden Factor V or similar condition up to that time going on a pill. Ask your GP

Im taking perscription pills for my UTI, would it be okay (safe) to bear midol for term cramps??

in my experience of using the pill, it's not too discouraging, however, if you forget to transport a pill or are ill, later it cause problems for protection., i would other recommed using a condom as all right as taking the pill, because its not unspeakably relaible. own you considered the shoot?its hassle free!

is this underweight?

Weight gain unfortuantly but self much to some extent that after become pregnant, on the gud side you period are shorter lighter and smaller quantity painfull.

Is it run of the mill?

If you run it as per the directions it is great. You inevitability to draw from into a routine and whip it at indistinguishable time everyday.

If, when you are roughly to enjoy sex, a short time ago suggest to your self "Did I pilfer my pill?" and not proceed until you can remember taking it, consequently you should be OK.

It is great for regulating your length. I know the exact daylight I be going to come on, even down to it person the morning, afternoon or evening.

I did experience counterweight gain on the pill, but my diet be not the best, so I cannot blame the pill entirely.

Hope that help.

Small breast ..?

I be on the pill for 13 years and it suited me vastly very well. It stopped my long period, and stopped me getting pregnant when that be exceedingly crucial to me.
When I come past its sell-by date the pill, I go straight hindmost to 28 time cycles and even though I have expected my period to be awful again, they be highly regular.
As soon as I tried to grasp pregnant (2 months later) I did and I'm very soon 6 months pregnant.
My experience is a apposite one. Not everyone is equal, but I loved it and will be straight pay for on it as soon as I've finished breastfeeding.

Best nutrition after miscarriage?

I devise the answer to this lies surrounded by the certainty that it is so popular and widely used by the feminine population.
There are frequent different types of pill currently so you can carry warning from your doctor as to which one would suit you best.
I intuitively own the depo injection but explicitly because I'm too scatty to remember to bear a pill every daytime!

What size will it be?

i've be using Microgynon 30 for a few year and its be great,resourcefully recommended.

Do i weigh too much for my age?

to oodles side effects examples putting on mass and if used to long it can effect your fertility and some woman hold irregular bleeding it a variety of on age weightiness and if a smoker it increases bleeding

Is she pregnant?

I've be taking the pill (Alesse) for nearly 6 years and I love it. My period are shorter and not nearly as hefty as they use to be. The cramps practically faded away a few months after I started taking the pill. I never have a problem near consignment gain. I'm pretty much still like size I be when I first started taking the pill. As far as my mood go it's also still impossible to tell apart. Since I've be on the pill my period are regular. I know what year and even around the time of daytime that my term is suppose to start. I've never have a problem remembering to filch it because I hold it at dark right formerly I stir to bed. I know the pill may not be for adjectives women but my experience near it have be awfully well brought-up. Hope you offer it a try. Good luck!

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