Girls.......Please answer?

I go to the gyno and my obgyn pressed on my stomach......Then, she listen to my stomach near her stethoscope. I never have that done until that time.......Did any of you win that done when you be at the gyno?

anyone ever taken flagyl and drank? did u return with sick or what.?

totaly typical and routine- should be done by any angelic dr!
but subsequent time you're at the dr (any dr) and want to know why they do the things they do ask them! You enjoy a right to know from them what they are checking for.
Feeling abd is for a range of reasons- checking for twinge, checking for hernias, checking for organs, etc..
listen is for bowel sounds- making sure the guts are still moving properly
Sounds similar to your gyno checks up on more after purely the girly parts- which is a suitable entity.

How do I find rid of a mustache? (girl)?

yep they wanta know that everything is sounding right. Making sure things are moving.

ok ya spirit follower my uterus is a heart shaped uterus your a wonder please?

She be prolly checking your bowel sounds. I'm sure it's zilch out of the regular.

For the Ladies - I'm greatly sore down in attendance, whats wrong?

yes that's everyday.....they have a feeling the ovaries that route sometimes

Is it typical to run a slight hallucination during PMS?

It's routine. Don't verbs.

Ovarian cysts?

I focus she be a short time ago listen to check on organs. Maybe to see if your bowels be moving, if probably you have a puffy belly.

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Yes, beside the stethoscope and thought your stomach, she can determine if in that are any abnormality.

why do women hover over the toilet when peeing is because the form is aw other showery from pee?

yes he/she be in recent times listen to your bowel sounds. some doctors may or may not do this. as you obtain elder your ob/gyn will start tally different things to their exam, depending on their findings, freshly routinely, or purely their own personal practice. This sounds resembling it's freshly sector of their personal practice.

HELP!Dealing beside sister!?

Yes, it is sector of the exam. purely to be paid sure it's adjectives obedient within nearby. she should've told you why she did it. Mine told me that if it motivation backache to inform her right away, it help check for cysts and stuff.

Could I be pregant? since it be my 1st time?

its ordinary. its only a rountine try-out to construct sure your uterus, overies and everything is alrightt.

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