When are they going to make a birth control pill for guys?

I wonder if they could trade name a pill to stop sperm from moving so they can't return with to the egg. My girlfriend doesn't approaching birth control pills because they get her sick.

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ok let see....birth control for men include condoms and a vasectomy...thats going on for it right immediately...sorry for the discouraging report....but im sure you want kids someday so better stick beside condoms

What Could This Be ?

There isn't a pill, but near is an injection you can hold. See your doctor more or less it.

Endometriosis,have tubes tied. Recent MRSA inf, linger til immune sys.stronger?Dr's still study around this.

Better stock up on condoms, buddy.

Womens nipple size?

There is a pill or contained by the making of it anyway.

I would love for it to come out soon, but I'd fairly dally for it to be checked instead of individual resembling the birth control patch and really harm those.

I'm on the pill but if my boyfriend be on it too that'd be so much better.

birth control pills are in a minute individual 98% instead of 99% so I don't know what's going on beside that....

Well i own buds ( as breasts )?

they do fashion birth control for men its call condoms

Is it commonplace?

I saw contained by the report final month that they are making pills for men

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