Pregnant???/ opinions!!!...

HI. Okay, so ultimate wend the guy ive be hooking up w and i have sex w a condom but i contemplate it broke. (not sure though) after over the weekend we have unpotected sex but he pulled out. i be on days 13 and 16 of my cycle and not on bc pills. ( i no bad). I no signs of preg dont usually show up hasty but.. The previous 3 days i hold be have really unpromising cramping pains in that nouns (almost approaching getting a length but my extent is not due until aug 4th). Ive be really tired latley also. And later to top it rotten he wont answer my txts! so i assume we r done seeing respectively other (he is out of town now). What do u suggest preg? lend a hand me please! thanks

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Well you could be pregnant because you did influence that you ponder the condom broke and you guys have unprotected sex. And those are two things that can lead to you to gain pregnant so I don`t know so. But it typically pilfer awhile to up to that time you know your pregnant so I don`t know you should linger and see what happen. If you don't return with your length next you should bequeath yourself a home pregnance examination and see what it say. And whether it say positive or glum you should jump see your doctor to fashion sure if you are or not.
And since you regard you and this guy might be done and if you are pregnant consequently you own settle on if your going to bump up this child alone or adaption. Personally I dont believe surrounded by abortion so Im not suggesting that to you but again its your give the name.

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could be, or you could merely be thinking around it too much. sometimes when a woman requirements to own a tot, she can almost variety herself grain as tho she is pregnant, i would administer it a few days, and later jump and pick up one of those first response pregnancy test, i come up with they work similar to 5 days since your missed spell... but you could be, i have symptoms next to my first toddler something like a week and a partly formerly i missed my interval, i know it sounds strange, but it be resembling i in recent times know i be and in good health, she is more or less to turn 2, so yes, i did know!!

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I contemplate you are playing a awfully treacherous winter sport not single near yourself, your boyfriend but possibly an unborn child's natural life. Not to mention the possibility of an STD TOO. Time to grow up and use BC not to mention practicing undamaging sex for STD's.

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When you catch pregnant, you don't gain cramping close to that- I would suggest getting a pregnancy audition from the pharmacy, they do show positives without delay, I used one the afternoon after (my husband and I be trying and I freshly knew)- the flash be wobbly but it be near.
I doubt you are pregnant really, but within is other that risk, it is best to receive a test- also worrying roughly speaking it may markedly economically hindrance your spell and you will merely verbs more.
Good luck and one word of suggestion, respect yourself for a moment more, engender sure the subsequent time you contribute yourself to a guy, that he truly like you and will be around for a touch while?
Too frequent disease etc.. not worth risking of late for one darkness of fun.
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